No idea

23 0 3

"Mate. you know I love Europe." I laughed.

"That's not the only reason is it?" Alia asked, laughing. She knows... But, how?

"It's the only reason!" I insisted.

"Sure!" Brooklyn laughed sarcastically. How do they both know? Are my expressions that readable? Hang on! Wasn't she asleep?? Never mind.

"I'm gonna watch a movie now." I said flatly, lost in thought.

"Talk to you guys later." Alia said getting up and walking off.

"See ya later." Brooklyn replied just as I put my headphones on and plugged them into the jack.

I could feel Alia's suspicious eyes searing into the side of my head. She knows that I came for a different reason. I can only hope that she doesn't figure it out.


"Your one of them, aren't you?"


"You are aren't you?"

I was falling asleep and watching The 5th Wave at the same time when Brooklyn shook me back to complete consciousness.

"Look!" She said, pointing to the window. I looked out to see Uluru.

"Oh my god! It's beautiful." I whispered in amazement. I pulled my phone out a took a photo of the breath-taking landscape below. Before I could take a second picture the plane flew into a cloud.

"Damn." I muttered. "I hope we get to take more pictures like that beautiful one."

"Me too."


"Ci... CIE.... CIER...  CIERRA!" Brooklyn pulled out one of my headphones. I'd zoned out and closed my eyes. .

"What?" I groaned. I knew had to pretend I had been asleep or Brooklyn would ask questions.

"You've been asleep for ages!" She complained.

"I was?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah. You were asleep for pretty much the whole trip. Why?" Brooklyn looked worried and curious at the same time, which i didn't even know was possible.

"Just tired."

"Oh, okay. Well I just checked the flight thingy and we are an hour away from Paris." Brooklyn grinned, any worried thoughts, gone. Disappeared along with my thoughts about the old life I escaped when I saw the screen in front of me.

Seat 17F: Hey. This is Cierra Beaufort right? I hope I got the right seat. Sent at 9:20pm

I glanced at my light blue watch. 2157 it read.

You: Hey. It's Cierra. Who are you?? Sent at 9:57pm.

Seat 17F: Thank whatever powerful being that I got the seat right. It Be Tyler. How's the flight? Sent at 9:58

You: Horrible. Turbulence... uggghhhh... no thanks. You? Sent at 9:58pm

We continued to talk. About planes, turbulence and heights (of which Tyler is terrified of) until a ding made me jump.

You: What do you think that 'ding' was for? Sent at 10:12pm

Seat 17F: I don't know, do you? Sent at 10:12pm.

You: I wouldn't have asked if I did. Sent and 10:13pm.

Tyler must've been talking when I sent the message because he didn't reply for a minute, which wasn't like him in the middle of a conversation.

Seat 17F: I'm going to get some sleep. You should to. Sent at 10:14pm

You: Nah. I can't sleep on planes. Have a nice sleep. Message me when you wake up, if we aren't in landing. Sent at 10:14pm.

Seat 17F: I might sleep through landing. Only if Nathan doesn't wake me up first!! Sent at 10:14pm.

You: Ha. I've got Brooklyn next to me. She just woke me up when i started talking to you. Sent at 10:15pm. Hopefully he would buy that straight after I said I can't sleep on planes.

Seat 17F: Ha. I slept earlier but I don't want to be extremely jet-lagged. Goodnight. Sent at 10:16pm. Phew, he brought it.

You: Goodnight. Sent at 10:16pm.

With that our conversation finished and pulled my phone out of my bag. Suddenly turbulence threw our plane around a little bit. Actually, a lot. My hand once again shot out gripped something to steady me.

Fortunately, it wasn't Brooklyn's arm this time. Unfortunately, it was the back of the chair in front of me and I hit the person in the chair. A woman turned and looked at me. '

She looked to be about twenty with curly, blonde hair. She reminded me of Alia, except Alia doesn't have stormy (and slightly creepy) ember eyes.

"Sorry." I said quickly, "it's the turbulence. It surprised me."

The woman smiled and her eyes suddenly didn't creep me out. "It's okay. My fiancé is worse."

A man appeared, peering around the seat. If Tyler had an almost-identical older brother, this guy would be him. I thought. The man's brown hair fell into his blue eyes. He was ghostly pale.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You're as pale as a ghost."

"I'm fine." He replied, but something in his voice told me that this guy was not fine.


"Yeah." He nodded. "Well... It's more flying in general."

"Fair enough." I said, looking back to the woman. "Sorry, again."

"It's okay. Just try not to grab the back of the chair next time."

"I'll try not to." I smiled and turned my attention back to my phone.

I shoved on my headphones and put on 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance. Yeah, I'm a Killjoy.

It took me awhile to realise that Anna was staring at me wide eyed.

"What?" I demanded. "Do I have gum on my cheek again?"

"No." She said after a minute. "You just spoke Russian to the woman. Fluently."

"I did?" I asked. I knew a bit of Russian but not full sentences, let alone the language fluently.

"Yeh. Doesn't spasiba means sorry?"

"Yeh, i think it does."

"I think i know what said now."

"Okay." I laughed, trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

"How is whoever sits at seat 17F?"

"You saw that?" I said.

"When whoever first messaged. I ignored it."

"It was Tyler."

The intercom cut our conversation short. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It has been a pleasure to be your captain in this flight from Melbourne to Paris. We are twenty minutes away from the airport Have a good night and I hope you choose to fly with us again."

"We're almost in Paris!" Brooklyn squealed.

"Yeh." I said, staring out the window. Cloud blanketed the sky below us.

This was it. I'm out of Australia and in France.

I'm free and they have no idea how good that feels.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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