The lost princess

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Darkness…that’s all I used to remember from my past…darkness…cries…sorrow…and fear…so much fear…

My name is Heather Heartfilia and I am seventeen. My dad is a rich business man and my mum a famous designer. I live in a big modern house in California with my parents and Nans my nanny. I am quite a beautiful girl with a lovely peach coloured skin, cherry tinted cheeks, raven curls flowing down to my waist and dark blue haunted eyes. In short , I am a usual teenager living an amazing life…apart from the daily nightmares.

Until that day when I realised I was everything BUT a normal teenager…

                                                 CHAPTER 1- HUDA

“RUN AWAY!!’’ someone shouted and then there was the flames and cries. And blood. Blood everywhere. I was scared. Too scared to move and the evil looking creature wrapped in a black coat was coming for me. His diabolical laughter ripped the air...his hand reaching for me…

I woke up in sweat...

“That was just a nightmare…’’ I whispered trying to convince myself. But it seemed all so real. I could hear the cries, smell the smoke and that laugh…I could still hear it echoing in my head.

I slipped out of bed. I had to busy my brain so that I forget…forget everything. I had a math assessment the next day so I sat down and started to revise. Still my mind was not in my mathematics. My heart was still pounding in my chest. I grabbed a book, went on the terrace and read until I felt asleep in the armchair.

‘Wake up Heather!’ Nans was banging on my door. My head was aching…my brain was bursting. ‘Am up Nans’ I shouted from the terrace. I woke up and stepped into my dressing room.

                                   _          _

School is something I love. Why?  The friends and the fun you might say. But no! That’s not it. I do not have friends; I just had a bunch of girls tailing me everywhere I go pretending we were best friends and some stupid guys trying to flirt any time they got the chance to. No I did not have friends just hypocrites. And fun…I am not much of a partygoer. I am more of the introverted type. A loner. What I loved about school was the science classes. I was so absorbed in the class that I would forget all those nightmares. And then I loved the school library. So peaceful. So quiet. So lonely.

As usual at recess I decided to go to the library. I took out my pouch from my bag and sat well hidden by the long shelves of the fantastic stories section and got carried away by my thoughts.

What was the meaning of those dreams…they seem all so real  as if…as if I have been there….as if I lived it once…

                                       _          _

‘Hi’ a voice said from afar. I opened my eyes . The library was dark. Guess I dozed off.

‘You alright?’ a boy’s voice asked. I looked up. WOW. There stood in front of me the most gorgeous guy I ever saw and he was watching me intently.

Damn I think am gawking at him…

‘y-yeah I think so. What time is it?’

Stupid me! Here in front of me was the most handsome guy I ever met and the only thing that I could ask him was what time it was!!

‘7 pm. You’ve been sleeping for hours’ he answered smiling back at me.

uh-uh  how long has he been here? Concentrate on the conversation idiot!

‘hungry?’ he asked handing me a packet of biscuit and sat next to me.

‘t-thanks’ I replied and took it from him. We stayed like that for a long time. Meanwhile I studied him carefully. He was wearing usual jeans and shirt. He had straight  midnight blue hair and piercing grey eyes. But I felt that there was something about him that was not normal. Apart from his stunning beauty and ravaging smile that it!

He caught me watching (or gawking at) him and smiled.

‘Am Josh’ he was trying to start a conversation. That was trouble water for me! But weirdly enough I replied ‘Am Heather’ and smiled…I was starting to feel comfortable around him. And the thought of that panicked me…apart from Nans my nanny I never was comfortable around people. Never…

Then I noticed the light from the end of the shelves. It was more like a golden glow coming from nowhere.

‘Time for you to learn the truth princess’ he said.

I watched him…eyes questioning…what in the earth did he mean?…what truth?

He stood up and offered me his hand. ‘Come’

 I followed him towards the light. Thousands of question raced through mind.

Where were we going? Who was that guy? Where did that light come from? Was it safe for me to follow him? Or did I better run away??this might be a trap…

And then he walked right into the light and gently pulled me inside and I went in too.

Then it struck me! That was where I belong! This place was so familiar…we were inside some kind of castle but everything was destroyed. Nothing was left except ashes and a smell…a smell I knew…the smell of smoke from my dreams…

I bet I was still dreaming…I had to be…but where were the dragons? and there was no blood either…

I watched the guy waiting for some explanation but he just kept on walking pulling me behind him.

We reached a big wooden door. He whispered something and the door opened.

I was by now totally panic-stricken!

‘Don’t be scared’ he said gently. ‘Am here’ and nudged me inside

I entered slowly. We were in a cave. It was pitch black inside. Josh followed and whispered some strange words and the room lighted up

MAGIC…that must have been magic spells.

There was a book in the middle of the room and he went straight to it. ‘Come’

Then he opened the book…and the characters jumped out of the book…floating…pictured appeared…

And then it all appeared in front of me…All those memories of my childhood I did not remember was there…in that book.

I was born in a faraway planet, Huda unknown to the Earth. A planet where people knew how to use magic...magic was the essence of their lives. One day evil forces from the black planet surrounded the planet. Chaos and death followed. The rest of the inhabitants were still alive were taken as prisoners and Huda was forever destroyed. The king and queen-my parents I was told- fought till the end. They bought perished trying to protect me. I was saved by Josh’s father. A close friend of died and we came on Earth. My human parents adopted me and my memories were erased. 10 years later the evil forces found Josh’s dad and imprisoned him. Before being captured Josh’s father told him everything and told him to find me…the only one who could save them and Huda…

And this is how my new life began…

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