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Jacob POV

          I rested my face in my hands and sighed. It's been 6 moths since I left Jaylei for Britney. I love Britney... a lot but, I miss Jaylei also. I was just sitting here scrolling through old photos on my phone and most of them were of Jaylei. Maybe I'm not over her? Well, I have to be. Because... Britney is 4 months pregnant. Yeah I got her pregnant. I was beyond happy. In high school, I always wanted a baby with Jaylei but we were so young.

                 I watched Britney as she waddled in the living room and plopped right in my lap. I quickly locked my phone because Britney hates when I even bring up Jaylei. She hates her. I don't know why but she does. I rubbed Britney's belly as she giggled in my ear.

               "Baby...." she giggled again in my ear. I smiled and kissed her neck. I sat her on the couch. "I gotta go to work baby. You need anything before I leave?" I asked grabbing my keys. "Nope just be back before 8!!" she yelled while changing the TV channel .I chuckled and left.

                 I had to forget about Jaylei somehow. The only way was to go see her. I'm just gonna stop by her house later tonight after work. Just to check on her because I know she got problems. I stepped inside the big building. I was trying so hard to get my own clothing line call Outsiders Ink. I think I can do it. It'll bring in so much money for me and Britney...and the baby. I sighed and sat down. Carla came in my small office with a srapbook and sat in the chair in front of my desk.

      "Mr.Perez, I made some more sketches for Outsiders Ink." She handed me the scrapbook. I looked at her sketches. They were nice. I sighed." I don't know if they gonna let me do it Carla. I really want this for me and my family." I looked outside the window. She looked at me and giggled. "Oh come on Jacob, you got it in the bag!!" she exclaimed. I talked to Carla a little more. She is really sweet and cute. No I don't have any type of feelings for her whatsoever. We are just friends.

              The time on my phone read 7:00, which meant my shift was over. I drove around and finally pulled up at Jaylei's house. I saw her car and another car parked outside. She may have company. Should I come back another time? Yeah...I should. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder it was my old next door neighbor, Craig.

              "Jacob! What's happening man?" We did a little handshake. "Nothing, what you doing over here in Jaylei's lawn?" I asked. "I should be asking you the same thing." He chuckled. "I thought you left her?!"

I looked down. "Yeah I did."

"So why are you here? I'm doing her yardwork..." He stated.

I looked at his attire. Dirt covered his shirt and his hands were dirty. "I was just checking in...do you know who car this is?"

He shook his head. "Nope not at all but I think you should get going before she see you."

I gave him a confused look and got in my car. Something weird is going on...and Imma find out.

          Jaylei POV

      Darren insist that I should go out with him to the club since it's Friday night. I honestly didn't wanna go. I haven't been out since Jacob and I broke up. Darren said I needed it. Even though Darren only been living with me for a day, I feel like I can trust him. When he got off of work we talked some more. For a street thug he was really sweet. I'm glad to call him a friend.

          I stepped out the bathroom and into my bedroom. Darren looked up from the TV. "No..." He said. I threw a hissy fit and grabbed another outfit. We were trying to find me an outfit to wear tonight. He said I got to look real sexy. This was the 15th outfit. I finally put on something more appealing and stepped out. He nodded. "Yes!!"

I pouted and rolled my eyes. He grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear. "Oh don't be like that now, you look good girl!" He said smacking my butt in a friendly way. If it is a friendly way.

       "Keep your hands to yourself!!" I laughed and flipped him off.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on!!" He exclaimed grabbing my hand and dragging me to his car. As he started to drive to the club, I glanced at him.

                I thought over and over, maybe Darren could help me kill Jacob's new woman. I sighed. I shouldn't be having these thoughts. She probably is really nice but she took something away from me. I may have been crazy and all but I know Jacob loved me too much to leave me...

                Once we got to the club, I immediately found a seat at the bar as Darren went his separate way. I saw him talking to some people who I'm guessing is he friends. I sighed and I noticed someone familiar sit next to me. I looked over and it was the same man I saw in my vision in the elevator. I blinked rapidly. The man was still sitting there. His hood covered his face as it did before in my vision. I tapped his shoulder. He turned with his head hanging low. He didn't look up at all.

     "Uhh hi there, what's your name?" I smiled.

      He shook his head. He took a sip of drink and got up from his chair and slightly rubbed my thigh. He placed a note in my lap. I opened but couldn't read it because of the lighting in the club. I ran to the bathroom and the note read.

          'So I see you have a house mate. Well when I finally reveal who I am. Darren is gonna have to go. Maybe die perhaps. I want it to be just us baby. I love you Jaylei...'

                                  -Secret Lover

               My heart started beating face. I just met face to face with my secret admire. My hands started to shake. I sliped the note in my purse and went back outside to Darren. I didn't tell Darren about this secret person because I didn't want him to think I am crazy.

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