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      I sighed and let him in, he sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I slowly sat down. He looked so much different. His ponytail was gone and his hair now are in short curls. His face was scared up a bit.

  "Why did you do it, Chresanto?" I asked looking down at the floor. He grabbed my hand. I jumped, then he sighed. "I'm not gonna hurt you, Jaylei and I did this secret admirer stuff because I love you..." I pulled my hand away and stared in his eyes. "Chresanto, I just can't love you, I'm still not over Ja-..."


"Wait what? We never dated." I said in confusion. He rolled his eyes.

"I know, and this why... Remember when me and Jacob were like bestfriends?" I nodded and he continued. "And remember when all of a sudden stopped and transferred schools." I nodded again. "Well Jaylei back in middle school I used to always have this small crush on you. It was like no other girl excist in my world but you. Then in 8th grade, I told Jacob. He was like I should talk to you. So when I finally build up the balls to tell you in 9th grade, he said he started liking you. And I was always shy so I didn't know how to approach you but somehow he did first. That's why we aren't friends now and that's why I left that school and haven't talked to you till now."

  Words couldn't describe how I felt at the moment. Chresanto looked away. He looked very sad. I felt bad so I leaned over and hugged him.

    "I appreciate you coming to clear this up but I am sorta with Darren right now so I-..."

He stopped me. "Why are even with him? He is no good..."

As much as I hate to admit it, he was right. I know Darren still do his night job but he play it off during the day. I just kept quiet. "Well we can't just jump into this relationship, we can give it some time."

He sighed and pulled me on his lap facing him. I got butterflies. "Do you even like me, Jaylei?"

Honestly, I did. "Yeah, but I am FAR from loving you..."

"I tell you what, we can just be friends for now and Imma let you decide if you wanna be with Darren, chase after Jacob, or be with me. It's simple baby." He kissed my cheek and heaed towards the door.

"Wait, do you want to stay, so we can talk some more?"

        He ended up staying, we ate pizza, played some video games and talked for hours. If I didn't like Chres before, I like him now but I had a question to ask.

I paused the game and looked at him.

"What?" He said. "Did you kill, Craig?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, why?"

I shrugged. "No reason, but why?"

"He was snooping around. I didn't want him to call the police, I'm sorry." He sighed. I grabbed his hand. "It's fine Chresanto."

              A little later, he left and Darren still wasn't back. I was getting worried. Suddenly, all these thoughts filled my mind. I wasn't the best person to drink but I felt like I needed it. I grabbed one of Darren's bottles of liquor and began to drink it. I was putting all regrets behind me. I didn't care about anything... I continued to gulp the strong alcohol. My knees wobbled and I fell to the floor laughing. I then got up and grabbed my keys, saying random things to myself. I hopped and my car and started driving. Where I was going? I don't know. It was going to be anywhere but my house.

               I rode down the empty street and saw a green light ahead. It became yellow then red but I'm drunk so I didn't know. I continued driving without stopping at the red light.

  Britney (Jacob's current girlfriend)

                 Jacob and I were just chilling around the house. Something has been bothering him a lot lately. I know it has something to do with his ex, Jaylei. We saw her at the park yesterday with some guy. Jacob face saddened at the sight of that. And of course I was pissed. I know I wasn't suppose to catch feelings for Jacob or get pregnant by him but things happen. Me and my cousin plan was going perfect. (Y'all probably confused at what was just said but y'all find out later)

"Stop babe!!" I playfully hit his chest as he kept kissing my stomach. "It's OUR baby though!" He Chuckled and continued. My phone rung. I laughed and picked it up.

"Hello... but I....it's not...ok...fine." I sighed and hung up. Jacob looked at me confused. "They need me at the job real quick." I pecked his cheek and got up. I grabbed my jacket and purse and started to walk out but Jacob grabbed my arm turning me around and kissed me sweetly on my lips. I giggled then drove off. I turned on my favorite singer, Beyonce, and softly sung 'Drunk In Love'. I stopped at the red light and continued singing. Once it turned green, I drove and CRASH...everything went black.

keep reading guyss.


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