The Day You Came Here

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Suitcase in hand, you stepped off the taxi after you had handed the driver a few bucks, rolled up and tied with an elastic.

"Keep the change."


"Get me far away from here," you remembered telling the cab driver when you climbed onto the cab, your mind set on a very specific mission.

"Imma need some better instructions, uh..." The cab driver stopped, turning around to catch a glimpse of your face. "Pal."

"Oh, I don't know..." you had said, starting to get impatient at the lack of getting far away from here action, "Go north."

And north you went. For miles and miles, you drove until the busy cityscape had turned to a lone highway and until the trees and fields surrounding it turned to dry soil, until the dry soil turned to a weird, pinkish sort of clay and the road had disappeared altogether and all you did was drive through the strange pink ground.

The driver, who in the the three or more hours of the trip —you had stopped keeping track of time after an hour and a half— hadn't spoken a word towards you and also whom you had dubbed Cab Man, as you hadn't caught his real name, finally turned around, probably unnerved at the, well, emptiness of the place.

"Er... pal, you sure you don't wanna go back into, you know..." he had said, lowering his voice. "Civilisation?"

"Drive, Cab Man," you had said.

Cab Man kept driving.

Later, by miracle, chance or by whatever higher powers may be, after hours of driving through nothing and more nothing, you arrived at the outskirts of an odd little town.

Solid surfaces seemed bent, looking unrealistically cartoonish, the structure closest to you being a huge billboard. Welcome to Lazy Town, it greeted. Farther away you could make out the outlines of irrationally small, yellow walls that surrounded what seemed to be a park or a plaza.

"That's my stop," you had told Cab Man as you collected your things.

Now, out of the cab and approaching your new home, you heard Cab Man asking you one last question.

"Pal?" He said as he leaned out of the window, slightly raising his voice to make sure you heard. "Did you know about, uh... this... place?"

"No, not at all," you replied without turning.

"And, uh, pal?" He asked again.

You turned. "Yes?"

"Are you... running away from something?"

You stopped, slightly taken aback by the question. You had two options, the first one being telling the big, lame truth about you not wanting to take your finals to the extent of running away forever to a self proclaimed lazy town, and the second being just lying. Leaving you with one option, really, because the day you told that truth would be the day hell froze over.

"The world may never know," you said with what you hoped was a sly smile.

Snapping your fingers in z formation, you turned away and started walking towards the strange place.

Snapping your fingers in z formation, you turned away and started walking towards the strange place

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