Chapter Four: Killing Their Own

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"Isabelle and Jace, head down that hallway," Magnus pointed in one direction, "the 3rd door on the left is my utility closet. I should have some tea light candles, or just candles in general." Magnus turned away from Jace and Isabelle, dismissing them. "If you want," Isabelle began to offer, "I can get them, and you can stay here. You seem to have had a lot on your mind lately." Jace dismissed Isabelle's idea with a wave of his hand. "I'm fine," Jace said, standing up off of the sofa. Jace took a second to stretch and followed Isabelle down the hallway. Isabelle was standing in front of the closet, the closet door wide open. "Iz?," Jace asked with concern, walking closer. "Uhh...Jace...that's not candles in there."

Jace pushed Isabelle to the side, and peered inside of Magnus's "utility" closet. Inside were shelves and shelves of...Pyxis's? Yes.

There Has to be more than hundreds. Thousands.

"Do you think...??" Isabelle began to ask. "I...I honestly don't know," Jace said. "To own one Pyxis, a box that holds a demon, it's against The Accords. But Magnus, he seems to have THOUSANDS. The fatality for that..." Death. Jace looked over at Isabelle, and could tell she knew what would happen Magnus. "Alec," Isabelle said under her breath, "Alec. It'd crush him." Isabelle is right, Jace thought. But what about us. If the Clave found Magnus's 'toys,' and found out we had known of them, we'd end up dead also. Jace looked over at Isabelle, full of sympathy. Isabelle nodded her head, tears forming in her eyes. I know what Jace has to do, she thought. I know the price of the Clave and the price of family love. It's hard to choose.

Jace grabbed out his Paeriarch, the small, silver, disk-shaped object used to summon the Clave. All Jace had to do was tap it 3x saying "Clave, adiuva nos." Meaning: 'Clave, help us.' Jace looked over at Isabelle. She nodded, her eyes full of tears. "You realize what'll happen if we didn't do this?" Isabelle nodded, as a tear streamed down her cheek. Jace looked back at the Paeriarch. "Clave, adiuva nos," Jace touched the Paeriarch. "Clave, adiuva nos..." Jace looked over at Isabelle. Isabelle nodded.

"Clave, adiuva nos."


Ki bounced Baby Ellis on his lap while Laurel made lunch for the kids. "You know," Laurel began, "its been 2 days since Mom and Dad left to get groceries. They had left 2 hours before you came." Ki set Baby Ellis her playpen and wrapped his arms around her waist. Laurel smiled. "I haven't been minding our private time." Laurel playfully pushed him away. "There are KIDS here in this very room," Laurel said, stirring the pasta. Ki came back and wrapped his hands, once again, around her waist. "They wouldn't mind if I kissed their sister." "Shut Up," Laurel said, but made no move to push him away. Suddenly, Laurel accidentally touched the boiling pot. "OUCH!" she shouted, cradling her burnt hand. Ki backed up, concern clouding his face. "You okay?!?" Laurel gave him a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." Laurel walked over to sink, running her hand under the cold water. "Can I...Can I do something?" Ki asked. "Yeah. Stir the spaghetti." Ki made a face. "I don't think the spaghetti of doom likes me very much." "Haha, very funny," Laurel said sarcastically. "No! I'm serious! I was about to kiss you, and then like it burnt you to get back at me!" Laurel rolled her eyes, while drying her hands on a washcloth. "I guess I'll do it then," Laurel said, "and have my hand burnt again."

"No, no, no," Ki said, rushing over to the stove before Laurel could get there. "Look at me, pro chef," Ki said, making Laurel laugh, but her laugh turned into horror. "Ki! IT'S OVERFLOWING!" Ki turned back to the pot, and grabbed it with his bare hands. He lifted it up, and rushed it to the table. Laurel was horrified by what he'd done. The pot seemed to be over 200 degrees!

"Let me see your hands!" Laurel ordered, bracing for the worst. "I don't think..." "Let me SEE YOUR HANDS." Defeated, Ki held out his hands. There was only a red mark, and it was fading fast. A tattoo, which looked like a strange E with a dash through it, was glowing. "How...?" Ki shrugged. "I'm a magician. Anyway, one 'uh the kids used green sharpie marker on me earlier when I was asleep. C'MON KIDS! TIME FOR LUNCH!" Ki yelled, to keep Laurel from asking anymore questions.

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