Chapter One

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On a foggy morning in Ignis, sixteen-year-old Arietta rose and dressed. Her dresses were usually rather simple in style and pattern. As she strode out to the garden, her elf-like ears heard a small squeak. She was puzzled and walked over to the sound. When she reached a small shrub, she stood there. The squeaking continued and got slightly higher pitched as she approached. The shrub began to tremble. Arietta slowly reached down but before she got to it a small red blur sprung out of it and landed on her stomach. She looked up to see a small red dragon sitting on her. She sat up and the dragon muzzled her face. She giggled and asked,

"What are you doing in my garden little one?"

"Trying to find you." It squeaked. She yelped in surprise. She certainly did NOT expect it to talk back.

"Calm down. I'm not really talking. I'm in your mind."

"Why are you in a human girl's garden. I thought only Elves and Fae spoke to dragons."

"Well for centuries it has been that way. But I am yours. You must name me."

"Are you a girl?" Arietta asked.

"Yes I am."

"What about Viria?"

"I think not." The dragon replied.






"Eww no!"

"What about...Aleneda!"

"Hmmm, I think that will do just fine. And what is your name, child?"


"Well then Arietta, you must surely live with parents, yes?"

"No, just my older brother. He is eighteen years."

"And how many years are you, Arietta?"


"Ahh. Well-"

"Arietta!!" Aleneda was cut off by Arietta's brother, Aaron, yelling across the yard.

"Where have you gone!?!" He yelled.

"I have to go, stay here." She told Aleneda and ran to the door where her brother was.

"Yes Aaron?"

"We are having visitors this evening and while I go into town you need to tidy the house."

"Very well. Just one minute." She said as she said running back to where Aleneda was.

"I must tidy the house but I'll be back as soon as I can, alright?"


Arietta turned and ran back to her brother.

"Why must you go into town?"

"The visitors we are having are very special, a group of Riders!"

"Are you telling the truth brother?"

"Indeed I am." He said.

They entered the house together and Aaron grabbed his gear and headed out on his horse. Arietta began to tidy up. She mopped all the floors, beat the rugs, scrubbed the windows, set the table, polished the furniture, lit the lamps, and started the supper.

It was nearing dark when the thundering of hooves was heard coming down the road toward the house. Arietta stood on the front stoop waiting for them. A group of men, more like boys nearing men, rode up to the house yelling and bantering like school children. They tied up their horses and walked up to Arietta.

"Hello." She said cheerfully and lead them into the house. She ushered them to the dinning table and told them to sit down. One of them asked,

"And you would be...?"

"My name is Arietta, and you?"

"Elliot. These idiots are Klauss, Jefferson, Blade, and Logan." He said pointing at each of the boys in turn. The one he called Jefferson really caught her attention. He was tall with dark hair and green eyes.

"So are you actual, proper Dragon Riders?" She asked curiously. Aaron blanched and the boys laughed. Blade said in an Irish kilter,

"Actual, proper Dragon Riders. I'm a Fae, Logan is as well, and Klauss, Jefferson, and Elliot are elves. Are you an elf, miss?" He asked honestly.

"Me! An elf! Oh goodness no! Why would you ask that?" Arietta said laughing.

"We'll miss your ears are rather elven in appearance."

"Oh that. Not sure why my ears look like that, but I've never had a way with woodland creatures, except... Oh never mind." She trailed off thinking of Aleneda alone in the garden.

"Cept what miss?" Asked Logan.

"Oh you wouldn't want to hear my tall tales. No one ever does, so I try not to burden people with them." She said beginning to dish supper.

"Not a burden at all, Darling." Said Elliot flirtatiously.

"Well there is a...thing... In my garden."

"And, what is this thing?" Klauss asked her.

"Well, it's small, red, and has wings."

The Riders shared a look and began guessing.





"Cat!" It got silent after Elliot said that. Arietta responded

"What? No!" The boys laughed.

"Would you like to see it?" Arietta asked.

"Well I certainly would." Said Jefferson quietly.

"Alright, I'll be right back." Said Arietta and ran out the back door. The boys were very confused as she ran out. When she came back there was a collective gasp. She held a small dragon on her arm.

Blade stood and said,

"The prophecy begins."

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