The Unplanned Tragedy

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[Chapter 25]

A week later, Harry landed Draco in the hospital wing after they duelled in the boys bathroom.

“I’m really sorry,” he said as I ate a waffle for breakfast. “I didn’t mean to—if I knew what that spell did—”

“Harry,” I cut him off and took a sip of apple juice. “It’s fine. He’s fine. Although if you’re feeling rather guilty about it, why not go see him in the hospital wing?”

Harry’s face went pale. “You’re kidding.”

I rolled my eyes. “When are you going to believe that he’s not evil? What were you two arguing about anyway?”

Harry shrugged. 

I glared at him “Harry Potter, what did you do?”

“I was only looking out for you!” 

“You scared him!” I couldn’t contain my laughter. “Like Ginny’s brothers scare you!” I added in a whisper.

“I practically am your brother!” 

I laughed harder. “Yeah, you are, so you’d better march yourself up there and apologise!”

Harry groaned. “I’m older than you, you know.”

“Here,” I scribbled a note for Draco and handed it to Harry. “Now, go!

I watched Harry saunter out the Great Hall with great satisfaction. If given the chance, he and Draco would actually get along quite well. The thought of them clapping each other’s shoulders made me smile. 

“Jane,” Harry approached me the next week right after our Monday Potions lesson.


“Draco wants to see you,” he said in a low tone. My stomach did a flip. A sudden warmth spread throughout my system. 

“Nice to know you’re on a first name basis,” I smirked before frowning. “But I can’t see him. He knows that.”

“Yeah, he told me you’d say that…” Harry ran a hand through his messy hair. “…But you should really see him. He says he won’t forgive me if you don’t.”

I shrugged.

“I’d like to be forgiven, Jane,” Harry pressed. “Seriously.”

I bit my lip, attempting to conceal a smile. “I’ll head there soon.”

“Great,” Harry said in relief.

“Oh, and Harry?” Harry raised his eyebrow in response. “Congratulations on you and Ginny,” I winked. Harry blushed hard and smiled triumphantly before running off.

I went to see Draco on Sunday, when everyone else was cramming Monday’s homework. He was sleeping like an angel, and he might as well have been one. The sun sent streaks into his blonde hair, creating a healthy golden tint Draco had never really had. His face was peaceful as sleep kept the worries of the day at bay. I took his hand in mine and kissed it lightly. 

Draco stirred. His long lashes parted to reveal his misty grey eyes. They drifted in and out of focus. 

“Oh, I’m sorry…Did I wake you? What a foolish question, of course I did.”

Draco chuckled and stroked my cheek. His knuckles grazed my cheekbones and I couldn’t help but smile. 

“I don’t mind,” he whispered. 

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