TeamShipping's Oneshots

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Lol Hey Guys!! well I thought this group as been here for quiet a while so why not post something??

Oh yea and this is ProjectSarah here!! heh.. I totally knew to mention that... heh..

Well without further explaining I entered this in a contest at my school and i thought, hey lets change some names and stuff and it would make a cute, or whatever  SkyLox... 

I only ship their skins/avatars no hate :3



Deadlox/Ty P.O.V

I'm Lost.... I don't know how long I have been stuck here. Its really cold though, Dark too. It scares me. Sometimes I cant really remember anything, My name, My age, How I look, any friends or family I may have had.

Sometimes, out of a desperation that will sweep over me I will look down, where I think my two pale palms would be but its always the same thing that greets me, each time my hope is crushed when only more darkness meets my sight.

Sometimes Ill sit, or stand, I'm not sure exactly, but ill just be there, thinking. There's to much time here, it seems endless. So every now and then my mind will wander, far far away, yet it seems I can never escape the pitch blackness.

Sometimes, I will wonder, Am I even alive? It doesn't feel like it, well I cant really feel but it seems like I am, and if I'm dead, is this really all that awaits every single soul on earth once they pass on? It confuses me greatly, how could anyone stand to be in this darkness so long? I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind yet.

But then, then I remember, what has kept me tied to Sanity. It was the Angels voice. Now I wasn't sure if this voice truly was an angel but his voice was so soothing, sounding soft as silk and light as a feather.

He comes and talks to me quiet often, and I enjoy ever moment of it, but I enjoy it even more when she sings to me. He sings softly, as if He believes if he sang to loudly my whole world would break from underneath me.

Even if I cant see it, I know whenever he is around, talking to me with his beautiful voice, wherever I am, im smiling, smiling a smile so wide im sure it stretches from ear to ear. When He talks, or sings, or even just his presence makes the cold darkness creep away as if it feared him.

I was filled with a warmth that often made me giggle with happiness, the sound bounced off the invisible walls and back to me, that which only made me laugh more.

When He would sing, I would feel light as a feather, I could feel myself twirling, leaping and bounding in a unfamiliar dance, and where ever my feet touched it would light up for a second and I saw the darkness cower.

Sometimes I swore, I even felt his loving touch as he brushed the hair from my face and gently kissed my forehead. When he did this it made me feel alive, small bolts of electricity running throughout my body.

I often feel like this for hours at a time, happy, twirling, giggling or just smiling at nothing in particular except for his voice. But good things always come to an end. When he has to leave, his voice turns heavier, making me halt in whatever action I am currently in.

Usually after he leaves its just me and the darkness again. Sometimes, its rare but sometimes I swear I can here a higher pitched voice, not to deep to where it sounds scary but not high pitched either. Its like a viola, the sound beautiful and pleasant to the ear.

He hardly talks though, and he always sounds sad when he does, so I'm okay with him remaining silent, I don't like to be sad, I really wished he wasn't, because his voice was almost as beautiful as my angels.

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