Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I bit my lip slightly as Mia dragged me down the hallway. I had no idea where we were going and it scared me.

What was she going to do to me?

I heard her chuckle as we stopped in front of the bathroom door.

"I'm not going to do anything to you doll" she smirked.

Why were we here?

She lead me inside and I closed my eyes shut. I've always had a hatred for this bathroom. It was the only bathroom in the house that contained a full length mirror and I despised it.

I kept my gaze on my face only. It wasn't as bad as the rest of me but it still wasn't good. I frowned as my reflection turned into Ana. Shaking my head, I turned towards Mia. There was also another reason I hated mirrors so much.

They were the portals to which Ana could see me through. Just the thought of her watching me gave me the chills.

"How long was it since you last ate?" Mia asked suddenly, turning to me.

"Um. . ." I trailed off and calculated." I ate at 1 o'clock so an hour and a half."

She frowned and flipped up the toilet seat.

"Why are you doing that?" I questioned, coming closer.

"Well, lets think of this bathroom as your 'holy place' and you can't have unpure things in a holy place. That's where the toilet comes in." She gestured.

"W-what do I do?" I questioned.

"Stick 2 fingers down your throat and force yourself to throw up." she said bluntly, staring at me with a bored expression.

Ew! Throw up always made me sick but the thought of touching it made me sicker.

"I know that it's gross but Ana is pissed at you and if I don't do my job, she'll be pissed at me." She said, sympathy showing in her eyes.

I swallowed thickly and stared at the toilet bowl with disgust.

"Think of how pretty you'll feel after all that fattening food comes up." Mia whispered in my ear.

I nodded and hovered over the bowl. I placed two fingers down my throat and automatically gagged but nothing came up. I stared at her questioningly.

"Try pushing with your stomach hun." she suggested.

Slowly, I put my fingers back in my mouth and pushed and felt pressure at the base of my throat.

"Keep going." she goaded.

I pushed even harder and that's when it happened. It felt as if everything inside me was coming up and it hurt really bad. By the time I was finished, my throat was raw and my mouth tasted of bile.

"It gets easier with time."

I hoped there wasn't a next time.

I quickly gargled some mouth wash to get rid of the horrible taste out of my mouth. Mia handed me my toothbrush after explaining to me that I had to brush my teeth afterwards. When she told me my teeth could rot out if I didn't I started brushing them furiously, causing her to laugh.

"So that's it?" I asked, spitting out the toothpaste.

"Yep." she said simply and pulled herself into the mirror.

I watched her leave.

"Make sure to tell Ana were finished." she said before disappearing from sight.

I walked back to my room feeling lighter than before. I felt skinnier and I liked it. I liked that empty feeling.

I sat down on my bed and felt slightly accomplished.

"So, how'd things go?" Ana stepped out of my mirror.

I frowned at her as I sat up. "You should know, I know you were watching."

She chuckled slightly before admitting the she had indeed watched.

"Hopefully, you won't have to meet with Mia again." she said in a serious tone.

I hoped so. She wasn't as bad as Ana but throw up made me sick.

"I heard that." she said and glared at me.

I don't care.

She continued to glare at me before sighing.

"I think it's time we talk about your eating habits." she said and held my hands in hers.

"What about them?"

"Well, if your serious about losing weight then you need to do things a little differently."

"Like?" I questioned.

"Exercising, cutting down on calories and fattening foods. I think it's about time too, you've had enough time to get used to phase one so now its on to phase two."

I thought about what she said. Maybe she was right. I mean, in the beginning, I've been very lenient with myself, letting myself eat whatever i pleased and I have only lost 3 lbs. since we've began and that was over a year and a half ago.

"So are you in?" she asked that all too familiar question again.

Nodding, I took her hand and shook it. .

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