Chapter 12: Thoughts

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~Ashton's POV~

I woke up ready for how today's going to go.

If Beck finds out I'm going on a date with Diana he's going to be pissed.

Me and Beck always fought over who'd get to date her. Then everyone said she was a slut. We never believed that though.

But about 2 months ago me and Beck fought again and we made a deal that she had to pick the one she wanted. And we are NOT aloud to ask her out.

I feel like a bad person but I hope he understands.

I picked up the phone and dialed Beck.

After 2 rings he answered.


"Hey um can you come over? we need to talk!"

"Sure on my way. Is slime thing wrong?"

"You might hate me after I tell you so I rather tell you in person," I sighed.

"What did you fuck my sister?" he laughed.

"No man but just hurry up!" I fake laughed. And he knew.

"Alright man you scarin me now. Be there soon."

We hung up. And I waited.

He lived a about 2 blocks away so he shouldn't be that far.

~Beck's POV~

After I got off the phone with Ash I was kinda worried about what he was gonna tell me.

I laughed at the joke I made. He would always say my 23 year old sister was hot and I knew he liked her but he wouldn't do that would he?


That little fucker.

He didn't.

He wouldn't.

Would he?

Did he ask Diana out?!?

That's the one thing me and him have EVER fought about.

I've always liked her.

She beautiful.

And when everyone said she was a slut and that she slept with Katie's boyfriend.

I knew it was a lie because Diana wasn't that type of person.

I know I barley talk to her but we used to.

She was I mean she is amazing.

But then one day Ash told me he liked her. I got so pissed because I told him a long time ago I liked her but I guess he forgot.

I finally got to his lawn.

~Diana's POV~

When I got up it was freezing.

Ughh I left the window open last night.

I got up and all I had on was a black tight tank top and some blue shot shots.

I went to close the window when I saw Beck look up at me.

He gave a weak smile and winked.

He always dose that.

I smiled back and waved.

"You do know it's winter right?" he yelled up at me.

"Yeah why?" I shouted back.

"Um just yeah nice outfit!" he blushed and laughed.

"What?" I looked down remembering what I was wearing. Oh god.

"Haha umm well.... shut up!" I blushed and He laughed.

"Haha it's okay. I think that's a hot look for you." He winked.

I blushed.

"Thanx." I blushed even more.

What the heck why does he have to be hot. I mean damn. His hair is always perfect. And his brown eyes god I love his eyes.

What am I saying I'm going on a date with Ash today.

What do I wear???

I decided to call Angel. She answered right away.

"Hello?" she sounded like she just woke up.

"Hey I need help I have a date with Ash today and I don't know what to wear."

"What?!? a Date with Ash!!! omg!!! I'll be over in 10! bye see you then!!" she screamed.

"Okay. Haha. Bye!"

With that I jumped in the shower as thought about everything. Which only takes 5 minutes.

I loved the feeling of the hot water going down every inch of my body it was so soothing.

I thought about everything.


Our date tonight.


Our conversation we just had.

I mean I've always had a crush on both of them.

Me and Beck were really close when we were little. Our parents were friends so I was always over his house.

When I was 14 and he was 16 we were downstairs in his room which was basically the basement. We were watching a scary movie which he talked me into and I got so scared I hid into his chest and he just laughed and held me there and we fell asleep right after I MADE him turn it off. His mom has a picture of him holding me while we were sleeping. She gave me a copy of it :)

What is was cute. And I'll never forget that night. I loved the way he held me when I was scared or sad or even when I was happy.

But we never talk about when we were little. I don't even think Ash knows about it which isn't a surprise because no know really knows expect his mom me and him.

And Ash.

Ash and I never really had a relationship like me and Beck. Ash was Beck's friend and when I wasn't there he was. About 2 months ago I saw them hanging out at Ashton's house in the back yard. They were talking I don't know what they were talking about but I could see how mad Beck was. And I knew Ash could to. I have never seen Beck so mad. But then out of no where they were fighting like psychically fighting. Ashton's dad had to break it up. But that was the only time I've ever seen Beck and Ash fight.

Out of no where me and Ash passed Hello's and then we just started joking around but we never had it like me and Beck had it.

I miss Beck.

He's changed since that day they fought. Not even a good change. He's a player now. He hurts girls feelings and heart.

But I will always love him. He was always there for me.

But now were growing apart. It saddens me that we are.

I mean I love him as a friend? right? I have to! don't I? I can't just fall for him! he's just an old friend! and Ash! he can be more then a friend because we were never like me and Beck! right?

I got done in the shower and got dressed in black jeans and my Batman shirt! And black Vans and my Batman cap.

I curled my hair.

Maybe I can just wear this and a little natural make up.

I have to see if Angel likes this look.

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