The Girl (Original)

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     Hello. This short, The Girl, is a non-fiction story about a young girl who endured a truly terrifying event filled with confusion and tears. It is rather short, but that's why this is a collection of short stories. This is something that I originally wrote for a writing contest, but alas it was too long. I revised this particular version and even then it was too long. The revised version will be posted in the next chapter.
     As always, vote and comment on this story so that I may know how I can make my writing better. Now, you're off.

November 30, 2016


     It's not until something happens that people begin to pay any attention. Life for a frail 12 year-old girl can be difficult at time. Of course, it's natural to think that a child of that age has no worries but what to wear the next day. That's a normal 12-year old girl, but this was not your usual girl. This girl's mind was always wandering around the world from place to place and time-to-time. She was always thinking of ways to make or break the world and those around her. Deep in thought, the girl never noticed that her grandmother had stood up and made her way to the long window at the front of the living room. In her curiosity, the girl followed her grandmother, eager to see what she had found so intriguing on the other side of the glass barrier. She was so calm and only saw the neighbors racing up and down the streets in the dark, early hours of the morning. Only moments had passed before the men noticed the grandmother's curious eyes. A look of sudden fear had crossed her face and she ran to lock the front door, fumbling in her haste. Confused, the young girl looked out of the window once more and saw the drunkards stumbling up the driveway as they made their way to the front door. Terrified, the grandmother picked up her phone, to call her husband the girl presumed, and sternly told her granddaughter to go into the basement with her older brother. The girl slowly nodded and made her way to the basement in a dazed state. She wondered what could be worrying her grandmother so. The girl heard a faint ringing in the back of her head for what seemed like several minutes. 'Maybe the men are just trying to play a joke on us,' the girl had thought. The sound of a door being slammed shut shook the girl from her dream-like state. Her legs seemed to carry her through clouds to the upper level. The girl's mind began to race with negative thoughts when she saw her saint-like grandfather pointing a gun out of the window. It wasn't until the girl noticed her grandmother crying that she noticed that she too had a pool of salt streaming down her cheeks as well. The police department must have been made aware of the night's happenings because they appeared in a flash. They patrolled the streets for the next few nights to come.

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