Letter 2.

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Dear Santa,
Hello sir it's Niall again I gave sister Anna my letter for you to send out I hope you get it soon as well as these other ones. I have a few questions for you so I'm going to list them below maybe have one of your elves tell someone so they can tell us.

1.) Do your reindeer like hot coco because I do.

2.) What is your favorite type of cookie? I like chocolate chunk cookies they make my tummy happy.

3.) How much snow is at the North Pole?

4.) Can you pick flowers there? Molly brought me a flower yesterday that was white and smelled really nice.

I got to help Mr. Evan he is the cleaner with taking out the boxes of decorations I go to carry the garland. What colors do you like at Christmas? My favorite is green cause it reminds me of grass I love playing in the grass. I'm excited for the snow because Molly and I are going to build a snowman or snowlady we haven't picked yet. I think I will go now it's time for snack and a movie!
~Niall Horan.

Dear Santa (Niall Horan) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now