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idea #8

MAKE SURE SHE KNOWS YOU'RE NOT GAY (or at least that you're into girls)

i s2g she looked so surprised when i said those three words. it kinda went like this :

ME : *smiles nervously, palms are sweaty, feels really awkward*

" i like you. "


*cool, gorgeous, unfazed*

" really? well i like you too, scorpius. you're like my coolest friend! except we're not really that close because you're more...albus' friend. but i feel like i can just talk about anything with you!! like witch weekly and boys and-"

ME :

*in the quietest of voices*

i'm not gaaaaaaay.


" what was that? "

ME :

*almost screaming, already panicking*

" um, what a nice daaaaaaay ?? "

oh god, i really don't want to remember the rest of that disastrous conversation. like, it might not have seemed that bad but, trust me, it was. the worst part might be that i still haven't corrected her and instead just kept nodding and smiling, hoping my oh so charismatic personality would just charm her already and make her realize things like the fact that i like her and not talking about other boys she found cute (never mentioned me in that list btw, nearly cried) with her. sigh.

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