Chapter 2

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The next day, I dragged myself to History class, it's our second to the last class and the period before Chemistry. Today though, I didn't sit in my assigned chair. Actually, no one did. We sat according to 'cheatmates.'

Oops. I'm not supposed to say that.

Anyway, it's the same seat I occupy for English, since it's the only way I can sit next to Emma aka The Great Historian!

"Yah, Emma~ I like your hair today!" I gushed, running my hands through her curls.

My bestfriend rolled her eyes. "I didn't wash my hair today." I grimaced, true enough, it felt kinda oily.

"Oh..." I secretly wiped my hands on my skirt. "It's still great!"

"I know what you're doing." She glared at me.

"Being a great friend~?" I suggested.

"No. Being a leech."

I pouted. "Buuttt Emma!"

Mr. Perez entered the room in quick motions. "Clear your desks guys. We're starting right now. The test is pretty long!"

I made a face. WTH! How come I only got to study Chapter 1 of our book anyway?! What happened to the five more chapters I was supposed to study?

Oh, right. Lost in all my time watching This Is Us. And yeah I kinda watched it again and again cause I just can't help myself. ^__^ Oh well, I bet not even one Directioner would blame me if I give this reason as to why I wasn't able to study.

Anyway, the test is departmental and that means, the test is standard for all and has been created ages ago.

I'm bound to find easy questions, right?

"Hey, Emma. Chapter 1 is all about the Fundamentals of History right?"


"What about chapter two?"

"I forgot."

"Really?! Didn't you study??"

"I did!"

"Then why can't you remember?"

"Because the coverage of our test begins at Chapter 5, silly."

I gasped. "You're kidding!"

"Let me guess, you only read chapter 1."


"Well said." She giggled and I glared at her. Stupid bestfriend. Doesn't she know it's her responsibility to inform me about these things?!

Soon, all the papers were distributed.

First part is Modified True or False.

Find the thing that makes the statement wrong and give the correct answer.

Ah, fudge! How am I going to do this?!

I skimmed over the 20 questions.

I only managed to answer three with assurance. The rest were foreign to me.

4. In 1908, the University of the Philippines was created by Act No. 1780

 "Ems." I murmured.

She continued to furiously write away in her paper, I can see she's already on Part two: Analogy.

"Ems!" I murmured louder this time.

"What?" She murmured back while still writing.

"Share your blessings! Please!~"

"What?" She made a face. "Wait. Mr. Perez is looking. We can't risk this. Later." Then she went back to writing.

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