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Lisa's POV

"Jungkook... help... me. OPEN! YOUR! DOOR!" I shouted as I'm standing in front of his house's door step, panting heavily.

Soon, the door flung opened. "LISA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Jungkook said with a worried expression as he grabbed my shoulder while checking to see if I'm okay.

"Save Me... I feel like my arms are breaking........... MY BAG IS SO HEAVY!" I complained and whined. Jungkook then released my shoulder and rolled his eyes while closing his door.

He then shouted from the inside, "I THOUGHT THAT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU!" Hehe. Today is the camping trip and right now, I'm carrying my duffel bag that weighs a ton and I feel as though my arms are breaking. Well don't ask me why because you should try punching a punching bag for one hour every single day for a month and then carry a bag filled with can food that's enough for 3 days.

I released the bag and slumped down in front of his doorsteps as I massaged my arms. "Jeon Jungkook ppali juseyo! We are going to be late!" Right then, the door opened once more and Jungkook grabbed my bag with a straight face on and left without me. "KOOKIE WAIT FOR ME~~~"

"Wait....What did you just call me?" He stopped on his tracks and turned around to look at me.

"Kookie!" I screamed loudly with joy that's almost loud enough to wake the whole Neighbourhood up.

"Shhhh!!! What kind of nickname is that!" He quickly took his palm and covered my mouth.

"Then what do you want me to call you? Oppa?" I teased him and smirked.

I could see his cheeks turning red and he retaliated back, "Tsk. I'm younger than you! Aish all the noonas should stop calling me oppa...tease me one more time and you'll carry your bag by yourself!!"

"Pfft right. Younger than me by only 6 months." I muttered under my breath while showing the unimpressed expression.

"What did you say?" He said while threatening to throw my bag on the ground. Then I drew my lips into a thin line and showed the 'zipping my mouth' action as I kept my mouth shut.

With all the arguing, we arrived at the school 7 minutes late; the time after we were supposed to get on the bus that brings us to the campsite. "Jeon Jungkook and Go Hajin. Since you're late, you will be cleaning the campsite as a punishment!"

"We'll do it with them. We're late as well." A voice said from behind us as everyone started screaming.

Jaebum? What the hell is Bam Bam, Yugyeom and Jaebum doing here?!

"Good. Now everyone please get on the bus in an orderly manner!"

"BAM BAM!! What are you guys doing here?" I shouted in excitement as I hugged him.

"Well, a camping trip wouldn't be completed without us... right?!" He exclaimed.

"Nah don't listen to him. We've just finished preparing for our comeback so JYP wants us to get a break. So yea here we are." Jaebum said and I just awkwardly nodded.

During the whole bus trip, Jungkook was sleeping next to me but with his mouth wide opened. I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped a picture and then I posted it on my twitter.

"The caption shall be, 'Close your mouth or flies will get in.' Done!" I said word by word while typing the caption. The bus then suddenly came to a stop and Jungkook woke up from his sleep while bolting up from his seat in shock.

"Omo I got a shock why did the bus driver suddenly stop!" He said as he patted his poor heart.

"Aigoo hyung... you'll get a bigger shock when you check my noona's twitter." Bam Bam said from behind us while smirking.

He then took out his phone and went to my profile. His eyes then widened and it was immediately followed by a "YAH LISA GO HAJIN TAKE IT DOWN!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and kept my phone under my butt so that he can't take it. "Aww Lisa please delete it..." He said and showed his puppy eyes while pouting.

Oh no not his puppy eyes again?! Don't give in Lisa. Do not give in! But he's just a little boy right? No no he's a grown man he's 20 years old. He's using his puppy eyes because he knows that it's your weak point, Lisa.

"No Jungkook. I will NOT delete it. Your puppy eyes won't work on me." I said.

"Noona~~ delete it juseyo?" He said while doing aegyo and I immediately cringed.

"Oh my Jisoo please do not do that ever again. Fine I'll delete it." I quickly deleted the photo because I couldn't bear to see Jungkook doing that cringe worthy aegyo ever again. But what he doesn't know is.....

"BEFORE I DELETED IT, I SENT IT TO BAM BAM!" I said and started laughing while giving a high five to Bam Bam. Jungkook then crossed his arms and pouted.

We've finally arrived at the campsite after a bumpy road trip! When we made our way down the bus, I could already feel the sun burning my skin because it's so freaking hot. Taehyung then suddenly stood in front of us.

"Hey guys! I'm so excited woohoo~!" Taehyung shouted with passion and enthusiasm.

"Shut up Tae. Go find your girl." Jungkook said as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Hey Lisa, don't you think today's weather is a little hot?" Taehyung asked me while fanning himself.

"Yea I think I'd probably turn 2 shades darker if I continue standing here."

"You know why it's hot? It's because of my presence." He said and laughed loudly.

Jungkook, Bam Bam, Yugyeom, Jaebum and I stared at him with that 'I'm judging you' face and Taehyung's laughter started to fade as he walked away from us with a straight face.

"Having high self esteem is good but having OVERLY high self esteem is another thing. Why am I even friends with that guy?" Jungkook said as he emphasised on the word overly.

We laughed it off and then we went to gather in front of the teacher in charge who was assigning the groups.

I wonder who would my group members be?

A/N: Finally a new BUT Long and boring chapter! I really love this song from AKMU because it gives off a really good vibe~ AND BAMYUGBUM MAKES THEIR COMEBACK IN THIS BOOK! Well, they're the important characters yea ;) Oh and please watch Taehyung's Hwarang trailer! Oh Em Gee he is so cute! (><)

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