6 and 5 Years Old

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"Papa! Sissy's been in my things again!" Hamish yelled throughout the flat as he came bounding down the stairs with his sister right behind him.

"Nuh uh! I never touched your things! And you brokedid my doll!" Violet stuck her tongue out at her brother as he did the same before they were stopped by Sherlock as he arrived at the sound of his calling.

"What is it now children?" He asked with a huff of frustration from being taken away from his experiments. He removed his goggles and ran a hand through his oily locks only to look at his children and smile.

"Sissy was playing with my toys again!" Hamish blurted, stomping his foot and pointing to the younger sibling.

"But you brokedid my doll!" She yelled at Hamish before turning back to her father. "He really did papa, he brokedid the arm right off!" She demonstrated with an invisible breaking of something by pretending to snap something in half with her hands.

Sherlock sighed heavily before pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes in concentration, trying to figure out what to say next. He knew nothing would please the both of them so it was compromise time.

Sherlock opened his eyes and clasped his hands together, waving his children over as he got down to his knees and looked at them both at their level.

"Hamish, what you did was wrong and you owe your sister an apology."

"But papa!"

"Ah ah ah! No buts! What do you say?" Sherlock interjected his son's interruption. Hamish rolled his eyes and looked to his sister with his eyes cast down to the floor.

"I'm sorry I broke your doll." Hamish sheepishly replied.

"Very good Hamish. Violet? What do you say to your brother?" Sherlock continued.

"And I'm sorry I got into your things." Violet responded.

Sherlock smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he made the siblings make up. "Very good you two. Hamish, I think your sister would like a hug."

Hamish rolled his eyes and looked to his father who in return gave a stern look only a parent could give. The older brother looked back to his little sister as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a forced hug.

"Thank you. Now, why don't one of you go upstairs and play while one of you stays down here with me." Sherlock suggested.

"Can I go back upstairs?" Hamish asked. With a curt nod, the detective let his son go back up to their bedroom as Violet was scooped into his fathers arm's and tickled her side as she giggled loudly in his ear.

"You're goofy papa!" Violet giggled. Sherlock chuckled deep in his throat as he put his daughter down and let her play with some of her toys in the sitting room.

"You handled that pretty well."

Sherlock fixed his eyes to the stout man leaning against the doorframe of the flat witha large smile across his face.

"I thought I did, if I say so myself." Sherlock stood up and walked over to him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "How are you my lovely husband?" He smirked at John.

"Oh you know, same as always in the office. How about you?" John asked, a goofy smirk on his face as he watched their daughter play in the middle of the sitting room with some of her toys.

"Other than the little 'situation' we had earlier, just experiments and notes all day so far. Nothing out of the ordinary, or our ordinary."

John chuckled at his husband’s words as he sighed and looked back to Sherlock after glancing at his watch.

"It's almost six o'clock, what shall we have for dinner?" John asked before getting a joyful answer out of their daughter.

"Fish and chips!" She yelled.

Sherlock turned his attention to his daughter, eyebrow raised, before looking back to John and knowing the answer. John hasn't made fish and chips in years and Sherlock has made a mess of his experiments around the kitchen.

"Takeaway?" Sherlock asked.


Hey guys!!

The moment you've all been waiting for......the sequel to The Perfect Cradle!

I want to thank everybody who made that book so popular and to even reading it, I thank you all!

I hope you enjoy this chapter as I know it isn't my best work but it gets you guys started....

Thanks again for reading!

Big smooch from your bad ass freelancer agent Tex!

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