Chapter 11

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I slowly opened my eyes and found myself facing dark orbs looking back at me, Sungyuu's face was looming over mine and he seemed to be looking at something, I felt myself blush at how close he was's not fair, who does he think he is ? why do I have to endure this torture and control my accelerating heart beats while he gets to just look at me like this, in this...awfully cute way of his, I slowly blinked.

"S-sungyu...why are you staring at me ?" why would Sungyuu stare at me while I am asleep?

"shhhh...Do..not..move" Sungyuu whispered, his breath tickled my face and his nose almost touched mine.

"what?" I sat up and looked at him dumpfounded

He then got closer until his head almost rested on my shoulder and ...."tack!!!" I heard a smacking nose on the wall facing my bed.

"I killed it ! " Sungyuu pumped his fists in the air and did a little victory dance " there was a spider behind you, it was dangerously close to you while you were snuggling towards the wall, so I killed it " Sungyuu continued while smiling, I looked back at the spider and chuckled

"Sungyuu when did you wake up? Its so early" I said while rubbing my eyes , I had given up long ago on using make up, now it was just my bare face in front of these two perfections, sigh...

Sungyuu smiled and sat back on his bed in a criss cross way that made him look like a little child, with his bed hair and deep morning voice wich were incredibly sexy and childish at the same time, how can someone be sexy and childish at the same time? I don't know honestly ...

"I am used to waking up early, back in the dorm, I would always wake up first and then wake up the others, Myungsoo here doesn't wake up till later " Sungyuu said while rubbing his neck and smiling awkwardly, I beamed at him and nodded

"I watched sesame player, and saw that hehe " I said

" watched that, ehh I'm so embarrassed"


"I wasn't at my best back then..." Sungyuu said while playing with his hair

"I think Sungyuu oppa has always been the best he can be, no matter what year he was.." I said and then covered my mouth while blushing, I looked up at him and he was gaping at me , his mouth open and his eyes wide, he had a blush on his cheeks and then he began fidgeting.

"I....ermmm...I ...thanks?" Sungyuu said while laughing nervously , I laughed too.

"So ! what did you do while you were awake !" I asked attempting to change the subject

"Ahh nothing, I sat in bed a bit and then just stared at you while you were sleeping, hehe you looked so beautiful ."

.......Silence, my face was about to explode....did I just hear this right? Kim sungyuu was staring at my sleeping face? Scratch that ... my ugly sleeping face? My make up -less sleeping face?

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