Happiness....Never Lasts

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...I guess what I'm trying to say is-"

"Hey guys missed me?" We heard and I looked up, my heart stopping.


Cameron's P.O.V

I stood staring in disbelief. Not now...not now. This can't be happening.

"Oh come on don't act like you guys aren't happy to see me."

"I-i thought you-" Kristen stuttered.

"Died? Nah babygirl I'm still here and I'm ready for some more play time." He said and I clenched my jaws. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. "Come here Kristen." He said and she stood still.

He fired a shot in the air and she flinched. "The next shot will be going through his head get over here now." He said and she started crying as she walked to him and he grabbed her as I slowly felt the waist of my pants for my gun.

He smirked as he trailed his hand down her body. "J-jason please stop." She stuttered and he attached his lips to her neck then pulled away.

"I'm gonna have so much fun with you."

I quickly grabbed my gun and aimed at him. "Let her go Jason."

He put the gun to her head and smiled at me. "There's only one way I'm gonna let her go and that's if I put a bullet through her."

"Really Jason?! You're gonna kill my fucking girlfriend because I kicked you out?! Is that it? Fine you can have the house shit you can have the whole gang just let her go."

"You think this is about you kicking me out? Wow you're dumber than I thought...no you retarded fuck this is because you are an inconsiderate ass and therefore I will take everything away from you." He said and that got me even more angry.

"Jason I'm giving you five seconds to let her go, 5, 4-"

"Cameron p-please don't shoot, please." Kristen cried and he chuckled kissing her cheek.

"Such a smart girl." He said trailing his hands down her shorts and groping her. I growled before I started firing. When I started, I couldn't stop, I had to kill him for good this time.








I exhaled as I put the gun down slowly and opened my eyes seeing him laying on the ground in a pool of blood and I ran to Kristen hugging her. "You did good baby don't worry about him." I whispered kissing her and pulled away from her.

She just stood staring at me then she moved her hands slowly and blood started pouring from her stomach. She looked down then back up at me before collapsing.

"Kristen!! No! No, come on baby look at me." I said as I held her closely putting my hand on her wound trying to suppress the bleeding. "Keep your eyes on me baby." I said grabbing my phone with my bloody hand dialing 911.

"911 what's your-"

"MY GIRLFRIEND JUST GOT SHOT I NEED AN AMBULANCE NOW!!" I shouted and I heard her gasped.

"Sir what's your location?" She asked and Kristen coughed and blood ran from her mouth as she grabbed my hand.

"Baby d-dont worry you'll be okay just keep your eyes open." I said but she just smiled lightly as the tears fell.

"I...l-love you.." She whispered grabbing my shirt and pulling me down kissing me. We stayed there for awhile, our lips lingering on each other.

I slowly pulled away with my eyes still closed. "Don't worry you're gonna be okay." I whispered and I opened my eyes to see hers still closed.

"Krissy?" I said but she didn't move. No...no no. "Kristen! Open your fucking eyes!" I shouted shaking her and I felt for her pulse but there was none.

It took awhile but reality finally hit me...I killed her. I finally killed her...

I didn't do anything really I just sat staring with her in my arms. I sighed as I lifted her head slowly and laid beside her putting her head on my chest.

We laid like that until the police arrived... They kept on asking what happened but I didn't answer so they just put us both in the ambulance and we drove to the hospital.

There was no point that because she was already gone...no coming back....

(A/N: Am I the only one that found this scene touching? Like it broke my heart to write it. Honestly, truly. Xoxo)-Chan

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