07) ANDY: Werewolf Hunters

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Andy - Saturday

The first rays of dawn wake me. I'm laying on my stomach, face pressed against wet leaves and grass. My head spins as I attempt to get up and steady myself against a tree. I taste blood, and when I touch the side of my face, my fingers come away bloody. How did I hurt myself? Than a more horrible thought hits me. What if it's not my blood?

Several months ago, I had woken up with the carcas of six rabbits at my side. I had vomitted exessivly. I didn't eat for a whole two days after that.

I realize most of my clothing are torn and bloodied and long, red scratches run up my arms. What the hell happened last night?

I wash myself down at a nearby stream. I'm practically coated in sticky red blood, the metalic smell floods my nose. Most of the blood washes away without revealing any major injuries. All this blood definately can't be mine.

I'm very sore, my back especially. I have cuts on my arm with little bits of glass stuck on them. The accident... Sara! I search until I find my truck. She isn't there. I'm not sure if I should be relieved or worried. Her not being here means she's safe, right? I realize if I ever see her again, I would have no explaination for this, or why I ran off and left her alone.

I slump down against the side of my truck. I'm going to have to have it hauled out of this ditch. Damn it! Nothing is going right! If only I had stuck to the plan...I feel something under my fingers, which I had been running down the side of my truck. Scratches--writing? Had Sara left me some kind of message? I get down close and try to make it out.

You cant run forever Turn yourself over to us and no one gets hurt. -- X

What? I look down and see foot prints bigger than my own--a man's foot prints. What is going on? Who is X? He thinks I'm running from him--no there are more than just him. Them. Good God. I have to get to Aunt Magda's. Fast.


"Werewolf Hunters?! You knew?! And you didn't tell me?"

I'm having a fit while Aunt Magda calmly sips tea. "Did you not think that my not knowing, would--oh I don't know--get me murdered?! And what about the girl who was with me. Do they have her?"

Aunt Magda puts down her tea cup and surveys me. "I did not know, the Universe just gave me a feeling. And you knowing wouldn't have changed anything when you're a werewolf. But, really, Anderson, I never thought you would be idiotic enough to be with another soul on the night of a full moon."

"I know I was stupid. But do they--." "Let us find out," Aunt Magda rises and walks to her home phone. "You have their phone number?" I ask, incredulous. She gives me one of her 'you're too stupid to live' looks and says slowly, like she's talking to a child, "No, but I have yours."

She dials my phone number and I hear ringing on the other end. She turns to me. "Do you want to talk to her or should I?" "Sara...has my phone?" As if in answer to my question, I hear Sara's voice on the other end of the phone saying, "Hello?"

Aunt Magda drops the phone onto my lap and looks at me expectantly. I swallow hard, and then bring the phone to my ear.

"Sara? It's me, Andy."

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