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Jacob kept growing more and more impatient the longer he waited. He stood up from his seat and walked back and forth unable to sit still. Suddenly he froze and every muscle in his body came to a complete stop.

"There she is", Jacob thought to himself all of a sudden, as she came through the gate at the airport. "I can't believe it's been 5 years".

He noticed her eyes where a brighter blue than ever before and her hair as dark as night hung all the way down her back, framing her simple pale face.

Over whelmed with joy Jacob dropped the book in his hand and ran over towards her. Her eyes lit up as they met his. She dropped her bag and ran and didn't stop until her arms embraced his body.

"I've missed you Jacob, more than anything", she exclaimed as tears of joy filled her eyes.

"Me too." Jacob replied in a soft tone and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Not wanting to let go of each other the two of them stood hugging each other in the middle of the airport as others walked around them. When they finally dropped their hands to their side Jacob grabbed hers as they walked together side by side.

They left the airport and went across the road to her favourite café. Jacob, remembering everything about her, ordered her, her favourite meal and drink exactly how he knew she liked it.

"Tell me everything, don't miss any details, not one thing," Jacob said in excitement.

A smile grew on her face and she did exactly that. She told Jacob about everything that happened, all her adventures, both good and bad. She told him about the friends she made and the new things she learnt.

They talked for what felt like hours and Jacob took in every word she said.

Once she had said all she could they stood up and once again took each other's hands as they walked back to his car. Jacob was so overwhelmed with happiness that he could only express how much he had missed her over and over again. Once they stepped into his car she had grown tired of Jacob repeating himself and she stopped him, saying, "It's ok, I'm here now", and she leaned in and kissed his lips.

The drive back to Jacob's took an hour but went fast as they were in each other's company.

Arriving at his apartment she used her old keys that she still kept all these years and opened the door. As they walked in she saw the walls of his house covered in paintings of sceneries that never use to be there before. "This is new", she said turning to face Jacob.

"Yeah, that's my new hobby, also reading" gesturing at a tall bookcase, "I've got to do something to pass the time when you're not around" he said while gazing into her beautiful eyes.

He slowly moved towards her and placed his hand softly on her cheek. Leaning in he kissed her more passionately than ever before. Kissing back she wrapped one hand around his waist and the other at the back of his neck and drew his body closer.

Breaking away from each other Jacob gently took her hand and walked her to his room.

With her back to the bed she put her arms around him and fell backwards onto his bed gently pulling his body down on top. With each kiss they felt closer and one by one they're clothes slowly dropped to the floor as they further embraced each other's bodies, eventually becoming one.

As she laid on his chest with her arms and legs wrapped around him she noticed the clock on his wall. Realising the time, a tear fell from her eye as she quietly let out the words, "but I don't want go".

Jacob ran his hand through her hair replying with "I know baby girl, I know" and gently kissed the top of her head.

Eventually she decided it was time and she pulled her self away from him and began getting dressed. Jacob watched as she put on a beautiful soft blue dress with black pumps and gathered her long dark hair to the right side of her shoulder and plaited it the whole way down. Jacob chucked on his favourite pair of jeans and a slim fitting t-shirt. Slowly they walked together to his car and making sure she had left nothing behind got in and he began to drive.

Arriving at their destination they both tried to hold back their tears as they got out of the car.

Jacob once again took her hand and they walked together as slowly as they could to try and savour every last moment with each other.

Eventually the time came for Jacob to once again say goodbye to his everything and he no longer tried to hide back the tears. They held each other as tight as they could and buried their head's into each other's shoulders. They could no longer have any more time together as the final boarding call for her plane came over the loud speaker. One last parting kiss sent her on her way once again, having to leave Jacob behind, for he could not follow and she could not stay. However they promised never to let this come between them. She turned back one last time and they had a final glance into each other's eyes. As she turned back around Jacob cried out in anguish "In another 5 years my beautiful Katie, I'll see you in another five years".

By: Emily R Nelson

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