What happens when love wears thin in a relationship between India Westbrooks , Exzavier Johnson , and Safari Santana steps in ? Will India fall for safari and give up on Exzavier because of his anger issue
Me and crystal decided to catch the first flight back to Louisiana. I barley had and any clothing in the suitcase, I packed just a couple of outfits." Flight 56 is now boarding" the intercom says as we are at the airport .My mom dropped us off I didn't tell her the real reason why I was leaving . Because then she would tell my dad and of would start some drama I don't need in my life.
" bye ma" I said hugging her
I love my ma ,but something's I just don't tell her because i know how she would react to them and how the situation would end.
"Bye India I love u too ,call me as soon as you and crystal land,and make sure you watch over your sister Crystal "
"I will " she said
Zay's Pov
I woke up with a bad ass headache,thinking about what happened last night with India .I know when she get down there its gonna be hella nigga's trying to talk to her .time to get this money. I got out of bed and got in the shower ,brushed my teeth and got dressed . I hopped in the car and headed to the trap. Another day another dollar.
"Was good man" my worker said dapping me up
"Nun bruh I'm good, we making moves today?" I said stepping in my office
India POV
Barely slept last night, Is it wrong that I'm still thinking about him ? I got out of bed to see crystal already up
" why you up so early ? " I said lowly
" because I'm booking you for photoshoots and meet & greets "
I looked at her with the *bitch really* face
"Crystal you said when I came up here we were going to chill " I said walking to the bathroom
" we not on. No broke how status its time to get this paper "she said twerking.
I swear my sister be wildin
" ayeeee " I said when she put on. ' freak hoes ~by future. I started twerking , she always gassing me up.
" get dressed we going shopping . and to the salon " she said You don't have to tell me twice. I put on my Blue shorts and crop top set with My blue and yellow forces

A bitch was looking dumb fine👑👑 I might not have a lot of ass but my face make-up for all of that. When we arrived at the mall.I was nervous ,but I guess crystal seen it in my face ."wassup D ?" " just thinking about modeling ....will I be good enough?" I asked. "Of course . now let's go splurgeee "
8 hourslater....
"Crystal stop driving recklessss" I said about to slap her
(Drake-fancy plays in the background)
"Oh you fancy huh? Oh you fancy huh? Oh you fancy huh oh you fancy huh, nails done ,hair done, everything done" she sung
( this bitch can barely sing fuck outta here)
"You finna be fancy In A casket ,if you keep driving like this"
" you got from point A . to point B right?" "Shutup " I said rolling my eyes "Exactly" she said parking the car
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As soon as I stepped into the place it was mad busy People getting their make-up done,artist, designers the whole nine yards what did I sign up for😴