Second Night (oh boi)

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You had been sitting in the office. The bell had just went of signaling the shift to start things were a little bit different tonight. You notice something on your camera that scared the shit out of you. Considering it was almost three o'clock you really didn't think nothing was going to happen like last night.But tonight, tonight was different. You didn't know what to do so you just sat there looking at the camera for a second until the camera went static and before you know it it was gone, you started to panic a little until you heard banging in the vents so you went to the cameras in the vents and block the one it was in before it got out of the vent and closer to your office you tried to play the audio to get him away but it didn't really seem to work as you thought it would. You started to panic as the moment it got closer to you. You were about to jump out of your seat when you saw him right behind the window in front of your face. You screamed a little not knowing what was going to happen until the bell chime signaling it was time to leave. You quickly grabbed your stuff an left. You didn't realize that you were running instead of walking. You got home ran straight to your room you shut the door and locked it not wanting either of you parents to get in while you were asleep. You say there thinking about what had just happened at work but you really didn't have time for that because drowsiness had took over and you were out like a light bulb.

This is a very short chap. guys but I really didn't have much ideas for this chapter I will try to make them longer for you all. I am trying as hard as I can I have a lot of things on my mind right now.


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