It began with a growl.
I was walking out in the open that night because of restlessness. It was something that had become a problem for me over the last few weeks. Every time I close my eyes, I feel eyes on me. A classic case of paranoia that led to anxiety and insomnia. There was no one there, no one who could watch me in my room. Yet, it still felt like my every move and thought was being spectated.
So, I'd developed the habit of going for long walks at night when I couldn't sleep. There was a park that opened up to the wilderness near my home. It was quiet and felt completely private at night. Even as I walked in my tan sweater and cargo pants, I felt the eyes on me. Tonight, it was so much worse that I kept spinning around to see behind me as I moved. It wasn't just the feeling of being watched; it was the feeling of having my thoughts invaded as well. Then I heard it.
An animalistic growl followed by a female shout in the distance. My nerves spiked instantly as I scanned the streets ahead for any signs of life. There was no one, but now I could hear something. It took me a moment to realize it was the sound of someone running and it was coming from the woods. I wasn't stupid enough to wait and see what was coming.
All the movies and parental warnings I'd received about what can happen alone at night flashed through my mind and I felt insanely stupid. Suddenly every shadow seemed more dangerous and I was overcome by anxiousness. Knots tightened in my gut and my entire body tensed on its own. My nerves had me bolting down the street before my brain informed me that I was headed away from home.
I kept running, fueled by adrenaline and fear. Unfortunately, my sense of direction was practically disabled by those same forces. Despite being in my own home territory, I ran into a dead-end block. I scanned the broken trash cans and rusty fire escapes for any place I could hide, but there was nothing. The growling had turned into full-fledged howling by the time I came to a stop. I pressed my back against the wall and turned to see my pursuers.
The large shadow came first, stretching towards me before the figure itself. The lighting was terrible in the trap I'd run myself into, each shadow blending in with the next. I caught a glimpse of giant black canine ears and fearsome claws. For a moment, I tried bringing my terror under control, but the sound of heavy paws against concrete made it impossible. Then came the beast itself. A large gray wolf with bright red eyes and bared fangs. It glared at me hungrily and my throat locked so tightly that I couldn't even cry for help.
It leaped towards me and I feebly raised my hands to defend. The dog was bigger than any I've ever seen and layered in thick muscles that knocked me over like a post. Its rough paws tore at my clothes, ripping them to shreds and leaving fresh bruises all over my exposed skin. It seemed determined to rip every piece of fabric from my body, and soon I was lying naked on the cold concrete floor.
The giant wolf stood over me and its body radiated so much heat my skin felt like it would burn from the contact. I said a silent prayer as it stared down at me with unparalleled hunger. It lowered its nose to the back of my neck and took a heavy breath. I felt a warm tongue slide down my neck and a shiver instantly went down my spine. My heart was pounding so hard that I knew the wolf could hear it.
Its mouth opened wider and its tongue continued to trail down my skin. Tasting my flesh before it decided I was worth devouring. My body trembled when its tongue flicked over my chest on the way down. The midnight chill had made my body tense and sensitive to every contact.My mind was too paralyzed with fear to wonder why it hadn't just ripped my throat out. Then its tongue stopped on my belly button and started rolling over my abdomen. It growled as I struggled to hold my sanity together.
Heat began spreading through my whole body. Its glowing red eyes met mine even as it invaded every bit of my remaining privacy. Suddenly it lifted its mouth, and moved its furry head right between my legs. Panic struck invisible chords running upward through my system. I finally worked up to courage to move and tried pushing myself away.
My head hit the alley wall making the faint colors dance before my unfocused eyes, and the wolf growled a furious warning. It closed the short distance and began sending its hot breath between my legs. I don't know if it was the confusing temperatures or a weird reaction to the fear, but I let out a whimper when its tongue pressed against me harder, almost penetrating. It was insane and my mind couldn't think of any way to react other than remaining still.
Then there was a shout like before, and a blonde woman appeared from around the corner. She took one look at the unimaginable scene and whistled. The wolf startled and paused for a moment before moving itself back over me, almost possessively."Hunter! Hunter, get off!" she bellowed, and ran over to us. She grabbed the wolf's gray fur by the back of its head and pulled. It was ridiculous; the wolf was more than twice her size. But I watched as she pulled it off me and it started to struggle against her. She raised her hand, and it was forced onto its hind legs. It was easily nine-foot-tall while standing and its fur was reflective gray. My eyes widened even more as the scene unfolded.
It struggled on its feet at first, but soon its fur began to fall off and I could see the bulging muscles underneath more easily. Bones creaked loudly underneath and soon it wasn't struggling to stand as much. The woman still held it by the back of its head, but now that the fur was falling off, she threw a strap around its neck that was connected to a heavy leash. She continued to force it back as the wolf transformed. Paws shrunk into hands and feet while gray fur turned into dark blonde hair. The insane bestial muscles refined into rippling human ones and the wolf's head started to shrink into an insanely fit human.
My level of shock had reached its peak watching the werewolf transform in front of me. In seconds, the werewolf finished transforming into a young adult. The werewolf's body was naked and covered in sweat and loose hairs. The blonde woman pulled a bag out of her pocket and shoved it over the beast's head. She looked at me and said, "I'm sorry. I'll try not to let this happen again, but don't come out at night anymore. She turned and started pulling the werewolf away by the leash. My erection was already going down, but I couldn't help but notice...his wasn't.
-end of chapter 1-
So, that's how it began. You can leave a comment below and tell me if you thought this was an interesting way to start. Keep in mind the mood softens from here on. Not by too much, though. If you haven't read my stories before, I'll tell you this now. The story behind a character is just as important to me, as the one that unfolds. The first chapters will just be setting the stage for the real storyline. My goal is to make you love and hate them before you see it coming. So, if you'd like to see how it all happens, leave a vote and keep reading :)

Alpha Obsession
WerewolfBefore school even begins, 17-year-old Jake Kent is attacked by an enormous gray wolf. He's saved by a mysterious blonde, but things get even more unbelievable when he watches the wolf transform into a human. When he sees this woman is a teacher at...