Chapter 19

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I fell into the demon's trap

Fire drills during lunchtime aren't rare in the slightest. Normally they're done as tests, or by students looking to get out for lunch. On the other hand, I doubt Viridian High has had a real fire like this one in years. The teachers instructed everyone to head home while the fire department tended to the flames. I was in no position nor desire to challenge those instructions. After everything, going home felt like a fine idea to me.

However, the car that pulled up in front of me seemed determined to get my attention. It was a skylight-blue sleek ride that seemed out of place so close to a public school. Nick's sister got out of the driver's seat and he stepped out as well. He said nothing as he got in the back seat and his sister started talking. "Hi, Jake. You probably already know and all, but I'm Emilia. I saw you walking home and thought I could give you a ride." I was about to turn down the offer and she could see it on my face. "Please, Jakey! I'm still new and my brother is a terrible conversation maker. Please let me drive you!" well, what could I say to a request like that. There was an echo of a warning in the back of my head, but I dismissed it.

Getting into the passenger seat of the Blakes' car was like stepping into an air freshener commercial. The entire vehicle smelled like it was forcefully purged of any scent that might have existed before. I told Emilia my home address and she took control of the wheel naturally. She started up with simple small talk. Asking about the school, the town, and how long I've known the people here. Then the conversation took a strange turn when she asked, "have you seen any wolves since you came here? Maybe you saw one when you were out with your boyfriend?" it was an innocent question that couldn't have been a trap, so I did the natural thing. I laughed like an idiot and pretended to be completely stumped by the questions.

"Sorry, what? I don't have a boyfriend, Emilia. I don't really go that way, if you know what I mean. And I doubt any pack of wolves would be interested in a place like this one." Nicholas had been quiet throughout the entire car ride, but I noticed his gaze shifted away from the window now. There was this aura around the guy that became more apparent the longer I spent around him. It was like his desires and interests radiated off his body. He clearly didn't care about our conversations up until now. "What made you think I was into guys at all?"

"Oh, well I didn't hear much of what happened, but I saw the way that blonde guy looked at you in the lunchroom. My brother doesn't usually go after guys that aren't already taken, so I figured that's what was going on in there. Nicholas is an ass like that, but I promise he's not bad on the inside." I figured her brother would say something in his own defense, but he simply rolled his eyes and went back to staring out the window. "Are you sure about the wolves? Does that blonde have any pets?" her questions kept this innocent façade going on, but I could tell this had turned into an interrogation. Actually, it had been one from the very start. She just sounded so innocent and kind that I didn't notice she had done nothing but ask questions about my life since beginning the drive.

"No, Hunter doesn't have any pets. I've only been to his place once, but there was nothing else there. Why do you ask?" I tried turning the tables. Emilia's brow rose slightly and she took a left turn. "That's the wrong way. You have to turn right on Anchor avenue." She ignored me entirely and kept talking.

"He has his own place? Isn't he kind of young for that? I had heard that Miss Sin was his older sister. So couldn't she take care of him at their age if his parents couldn't do it?" a lump caught in my throat. The questions had taken a clearly edgier tone even if she sounded just as innocent. When we first started talking, she had made it sound like she had no idea who Hunter was. But now she knew that he was a teacher's sibling without me mentioning it. The realization that I may have given private information to a stranger hit me hard. Not only that but the warnings that the Sins gave me about these two suddenly came back to me.

"I don't really know. They might live together; I never asked. What makes you so interested? This is the wrong way. We're nowhere near my house." A slow dread was filling up my chest. Nicholas was in the back, seemingly uninterested by the scene in the front. "You can pull over here. I think it'd be faster if I walked from here." The passenger doors locked.

"Hang on there Jakey. I still have some more questions. I am new in town after all. My brother and I have traveled... a LOT, and we've seen a lot of things. We've smelled a lot of things too." I was starting to find the extremely clean air in the car unbreathable. "Do you own any pets of your own Jake? I ask because I've noticed this smell on you that I can't say fits with everything else about you. Nicole and Hunter Sin don't smell like animals, but they act like them. You don't seem like the dog-loving type, but I know that I smell the scent of a mutt on you. So what does that mean?" we pulled to a stop in a culdesac on the north end of Viridian. There was a man in a bright white military top standing in front of the car with his arms crossed. The words barely left my mouth.

"I-I don't know. Maybe rubbed on in the wash...or something." My position became more perilous when Nicholas got out of the car and headed out of sight. He didn't even look at me.

"Come on, Jakey. You seem a little smarter than that. My uncle here has a serious passion for Wolf hunting. Maybe you can help him find something. It'll only take a while." She turned to me and smiled. Emilia Blake was so contrastingly beautiful with her bright eyes and hair, that it made it hard to see her as anything but innocent and exotic. Yet she had used that to lure me in despite my better judgment. The man in front of the car apparently grew impatient and came to open my door for me. I was told these people were dangerous, but I didn't listen. Instead, I went and fell into the demon's trap.

Now, I know that we all love our whole werewolf pack, but i'm wondering if you guys think the werewolf hunters are all that bad yet. I guess we'll have to wait and see

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