San Marcos

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Maybe I should start this story off simply rather than a twenty page long explanation of what my life's all about, ill start simply by a brief summary.

My names Jayden Liberty, 15 originally from South Carolina now live in San Marcos California but well explain later why I moved out here. I'm an only child, well have been for a few months after my brother was killed serving our country in Iraq, we miss him so much and the move out here caused so much stress on me and my dad. My mum left us a few months after I turned four I've never understood why she just disappeared, currently she works part time as a stripper gathering as much money as she can to pay rent for her one room apartment in West Virginia, sometimes I wonder why doesn't she move back in with us. My dad says its just not possible while gazing into the fireplace. I'm proud of my dad he's honestly tried to keep our family from breaking but it always backfires, we miss Joey so much, that's my brother by the way. It's just me and my dad now.

School hasn't been easy either. I was always treated like the weird kid of the class from as long as I can remember, coming home from school everyday crying in my room playing with my bratz dolls trying to take my mind off it having dinner and crying again falling to sleep. One day I was accepted but by the wrong people, I soon found out. They told me I wasn't different but unique, they just said I was a wallflower and made me feel special. I was wrong about them.

A wild party down the street. I was so drunk I couldn't stand, god knows how I managed to have sex with a random jock in senior year then. I wish that night never happened and every time it comes into mind I squeeze my eyes just wishing it would go away. But it won't.

Yes if your wondering, I had sex with a senior. So much was going through my head at the time and everyone in this so called friends group had apparently done it so I thought it would help my reputation but boy did it do the opposite. A couple of weeks later I got a text from a popular girl in junior year, I was a softmore.

"EW YOU NASTY SLUT WHAT THE HELL!" The words shot off the screen and into my eyes with vicious words like "slut" popping out at me.

I simply replied with.

"Um, what are you talking about?"

A couple of minutes later I received another text with a link, that would change everything.

"What am I talking about you skank this is what I'm talking about" and a link to Facebook lay at the bottom of the message.

I hadn't been on Facebook in a few days considering I'd been grounded for a few days after being caught sneaking in from that party and only just got my phone and laptop back.

Matt Friend, a name I wasn't so happy hearing this status from. The status received the following.

"OMG MAN PARTY WAS SICKER THAN I THOUGHT, WHEN DO I GET A TURN JAYDEN!?!" It has tagged over a hundred people there were three hundred or so likes and about a hundred comments. Then a video.

Yep, you guessed it there was me drunk out my mind, having sex with the senior who ill keep anonymous by the way.

Comments consisted of.

"EW who would have sex with her?"

"Nasty slut I told you I could smell her in class"

"Ewwww gross this is why I never went to that party"

I was destroyed.

Although apart of me was empty and I thought I would never be the treated the same a part of me still fired on into my exams. My dad found out obviously and the video was taken down.

Matt Friend was never a "friend" to me in the past he was a typical bully to be honest. And I thought trashing your locker and swiping your textbooks off desks when he walked into class was only bullshit you saw in movies. Aha no.

My dad couldn't look me in the eyes for days, the fact that even he'd seen the video of me just made my stomach turn inside.

My life's very different now, my room was a pinkish colour before with wallpaper on one wall that was slowly started to rip. Now my walls are a navy blue colour with a cream wall, always had a thing for three walls the same colour one different. The blue to match my uniform my worlds medal and my California Allstars smoed posters. Oh god I haven't even explained well this is my life changing story. How a little "slutty' South Carolina girl like me went from zero to hero with a worlds ring to proove it.

Here is my story from the day we moved.

Things were getting tough. School was almost like one big struggle and obviously these so called friends had pissed off and acted like they were nothing to do with it and agreed with the whole school saying I was a disgrace, I could honestly back myself up since I had information twice as bad about them (if that's possible) but what good would that do?

I had one motto that I told myself as my alarm blasted tip of the iceberg by owl city every morning at six fifty. Wake up,survive and go back to sleep and I did. Well until it all became to much.

Every day was like a dark path with familiar regretful faces that I wish I couldn't identify. Some people couldn't even look me in the face but a part of me found that understandable, if only they knew how pressured I was. At least I still had my dad.

Dad had always loved being an engineer. He'd done it since before me and Joey were born and before I would fall asleep he'd sit by the end of our bed and tell us stories about the odd couple down the street who's seventy dollar car had broken down for the firth time that month, yes our bed. Growing up my mum and dad scraped the surface just to get through a week and one double bed was less expensive than two single beds so that's what we did. I never minded it though and honestly I would of probably been terrified to sleep by myself, at the time this was in our smallest house. We'd moved so many times and in a year we'd been around South Carolina to North Carolina to New Jersey to Florida then back to South Carolina, my dad and mum (well when she was around) loved travelling and decided that an old car with enough room for our things and an old shack practically with two bedrooms a kitchen and a bathroom was much better than spending our money on a decent house and not being able to move around.

After my mum left she decided she could go it alone I guess. The fact she'd just left no kisses or hugs or not even an explanation why she was going always made me feel empty. It was only about a year ago just before my fourteenth birthday my dad told me he found out where she was and what she was doing. At this point Joey had just left to fly to Iraq and I had my room to myself, I decided to ask my dad one day if I could make our room more girly since he was away and probably moving out soon after he got back. Surprisingly he agreed and I had my newish room, still the same springy bed and wooden desk.

Soon after that the incident with the video happened and that room was like my fort that I wouldn't leave for hours, sometimes I would just cry until my head ached. Only weeks later we found out about Joey being wounded on the battlefield and bleeding to death. He told me before he left he was doing this for us but if I knew what that meant he wouldn't of left my now pink carpet/walls room.

Cheerleading had always been a hobby for me, most people would just assume I waved Pom poms and done can can kicks and the odd cartwheel but there just outsiders.I had people there that understood me and loved me for who I was and what I was about.I remember the first day I started cheerleading, out the back of our first house the family before us left their old ripped apart trampoline which my mother (when she was around) had no problem letting me use for flips and tumbling. Sigh why did my mum leave again?

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