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Without a moment of hesitation I reach forward to take my gun away from him however he reacts quickly, pulling his hand back and hiding it behind his back as soon as my fingers brush against the cold surface of the gun.

Despite of my obsession with the man, I feel annoyed by his move. Out of all the things I hate, seeing something that belongs solely to me in someone else's possesion is what I hate the most.

"I see you are eager to take your gun back from me." Adriao mutters, his voice is smooth as silk, the words slipping effortlessly from his mouth.

"If you must know, I am very possessive of what belongs to me." I tell him frankly, unable to stop myself from giving him a once over as the thought of having him as mine fleetingly crosses my mind.

When I look back up, I find Adriano staring at me with his eyebrows raised, looking amused.

"I must say this, Catalina." He mutters, slowly walking towards the unmade bed and taking the seat on it's edge. All the while my eyes follow his moves. "For a petite and fragile thing like you, this gun is quite something."

Feeling challenged, I scowl at him, crossing my arms over my chest as I turn towards him fully.

"This petite and fragile thing," I say, the distaste for the words clear in my voice, "can easily blow your brains out without a second thought."

Life's been tough for me since the start, being alone in the world full of sinful animals, I've learned that only two things can save you.

One, money and two, your strength.

Adriano sighs at hearing my words, shaking his head ever so slowly as if taunting me.

"Now you wouldn't blow out the the brain of the person you've been stalking for a while now, will you?"

My eyes become wide at hearing his words. All this time, I was under the impression that he's never noticed me. The woman who follows him everywhere he goes. The woman who keeps a close eye on everything he does.

"Who are you, really?" I question him straight forward, aware of the fact that there is no use of denying what he's accused me of.

It never was my intention to be sneaky anyway. It's a free country, you do what ever you want to do unless it's bringing someone harm.

Adriano smirks cockily, casually laying back onto the bed and puffing out a breath from his mouth, playing with my gun as if it's a toy.

"Define phantom to me, Bella." He states, loading the gun and sitting back up in the blink of an eye.

I am left flustered by his request and I let it show on my face. Patience has never really been a trait of mine and here this intriguing stranger is testing my patience by not answering my question.

When it dawns on him that I will not be giving him a response, he stands up and takes long, confident strides until he's standing right in front of me. Barely leaving any distance between our bodies.

"I am an illusion. A figment of your imagination." He murmurs, bringing the the gun to my temple, he let's it rest there. Eyeing me cautiously but despite of my wildly beating heart, I keep my facial expressions neutral, not letting him have the satisfaction of seeing my fear.

"Don't talk in riddles." My response comes out breathlessly, seeing this man, up so close leaves me feeling some weird kind of way.

All this time, I had been wanting a chance to be close to him, to hear him say my name. To breathe in the heady mixture of his masculine scent and cologne and here he is granting my wishes. Despite of the fear of getting shot, I hear a voice in my head, telling me to pull him closer. A voice that tells me he will bring me no harm.

"Let's play a game, Bella mia." He whispers, letting the barrel of the gun glide down from my temple to my cheek and then following the track down to my neck, all the while his eyes staring into mine.

"Riddle me, Tesoro." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him to which he smiles, pressing the gun a little more into the side of my neck, causing my breath to hitch.

"You catch me and you get to know whatever it is that you want to know." He whispers ever so quietly, smirking slightly when I frown in confusion.

Letting the hand holding the gun drop to his side, he takes a step away from me. As soon as the little distance is created between us, I let out a breath, my tense muscles relaxing.

"Let the game begin, Dolcezza." He smiles, winking at me playfully before tucking the gun in the back pocket of his jeans.

I watch him curiously, waiting for his next move, still confused as to how this game of his works.

"There is just one rule." He tells me, taking another step backwards before he brings his hands forward and claps twice. "You do not get to see me."

As soon as he utters those words, the light in the room goes off and everything is enveloped by darkness.

Action starts in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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