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I got these ideas from AlfredKvaak on Archive of our own.

Zoro's POV

I sat on the rough pebbles of the tank, the few sat eating their lunch on the Sofa.
"The climate has changed, so we must be within at least islands of Alabaster." Nami announced. I tried not to show my excitement. I seam in a circle, trying to contain the feeling that bubbked and stirred within me.
"There's no need to get all excited Marimo." Sanji muttered from the other side of the glass.
"Yeah, Sanji has all his clothes on." Franky pointed out, his eyebrows waggiling suggestively. I laughed along, but the cook however was a flash of red-faced fury. He kicked Franky with a fury that was only rivaled by our own fights. His fighting stirred a memory that I had hidden deep within my mind.


I say, sleeping in a dreamless haze I had not experienced in a long while. I could hear the black of heels and the clock of steek tipped footsteos approaching, brining it's smell lf tabbaco along with it. I braced myself for what was to come. Normally a shout of dinner wakes me, if not, a size 8 to the face does. (That's actually from a Fanfcition I read but I could not resist putting it in here.)
"Oi, Marimo. Wake up. Dinner's ready." The cook becond. I peeled my eyes open to see the cook looking at me with a raw fury in his eyes, but the fury danced and mingled with a look I could not see. His back was slightly hunched backwards, his hips forward, basicly teasing me.
"Yeah, Yeah, I'm up, shit cook." I groaned. I stood up and then, and only then, I realised that the cook was standing on a part of my robe. The action of me rising to my unsteady feet toppled the lean cook backwards and he fell into his ass. Just as fate would have it I fell face fish on top of the cook. The momentum of my call pushed me to straddle the other male. Our lips crashed together, my chapped and dry ones met moist and plump lips. I was frozen, part of me wanted to get up and slice the Cook to a million peices for stirring this warm, fluttering feeling in my stomach. But the other half wanted to kiss him more. I felt s pressure on my lips, The cook was missing me back! Still feeling very awkward I missed him back. Hiw could it be that it was sloppy yet organised, lustful yet filled to the brimm of love, it was full of flaws get perfect in every way? I didn't we that, but I snaked my hands to his wrists, and pinned them to the wooden deck. When I felt a murmure on my lips it clicked.

I loved the cook.

Everything fell into place. I pulled back breathlessly and sealled around the lump in my throat. I sat up, still straddeling the wide eyes Cook. My body is reacting like there's a sea king about to beat the crap out of me instead of being faced with the half-hidden face of the blonde chef. Cold sweat glistened on mybrow. With hands clasped tightly at my side's,I could feel them become sweaty and it highlighted my anxeity.
"W-What was that, Marimo?" The cook asked, astounded. I gulped again. I was going to say this. There was no point of beating around the Bush. 'Blunt and swift. Make your escape after you've said it. Nothing else. No big speech. Just 3 words. Now. Do it, Do it Zoro.'

"I love you Sanji."

~End flashback~

I smiled devishly in my tank, swimming in circles around the base. I was happily sleeping in my tank when suddenly. The ship lurched sideways, throwing me against the glass.
"Shit!" I exclaimed. Everyone rushed to the deck, to see what was going on. I rushed to the top, poking my head from the trap door. I pushed myself from the warm water, forcing my legs to return to flesh and bone. I felt the unpleasant sting of twisting flesh and bones and I clambered out of the tank and unsteadily made my way to the deck.
"Enemy pirates!" The witch shouted. I unsbeathed Wado and jumped into the Gray, beside the cook.
"Try not to get yourself killed." I warned the cook as I smashed the chest of a pirate.
"I'm not going to get killed, stupid Marino." He fumed.
"Yeah right." I muttered. Instead of going to for the pirates that surrounded us, he locked his peircing glare at me, and aimed a kick for where the sun shine. I sidestepped to the right and said, "don't aim there, you'll have nothing to suck tonight." Sanji agent best red and aimed for my face, I sidestepped again and he ended up up kicking a pirate's head and I heard a sickening crack before the clink of shoes and the thump of a body hitting the floor.

I heard a frightened scream, and so did the Cook, judging by his expression. After an Oni giri and a bad manner kick course a junped into the upper deck, a short stumpy woman loomed over Ussop. She was a logia devil fruit user, we could tell that by the sharp, razor claws that her hands turned into. Her face was stumpy and weird, turning into a mole. We knew who she was from the shout that errupted from Usopp's shaking mouth.

The cook looked at me, and I looked at him.
"Baroque works?" We asked each other. We both shrugged at each other before both kicked this 'miss Mary Christmas' on her head.
"Ouch!" She screamed. We kept using all our techniques in the Baroque works agent until her hair was fizzled and the spark in her eye has died down to a smothered ember. I clapped my hands together and smiled devishly.
"329 killed." I laughed.
"Shit. 296." The cook cursed. I laughed a bit, before going to help the others with body removal.

I was throwing bodies into salty depths when a spray of water got me and caught me off guard.
"Aww, did the Marimo get splashed?" The cook taunted as a splash of water dropped off my chin and made an audible splash. I turned to Ussop. He was just as scared as I was.

"SANJI-KUUUUN!" The witch cried. After a shout of 'Melorine!' The cook noodled away, I ran into the closest room I could find, and it I found myself lying in the cold hard floor. Of the galley. I sighed and propped myself on my elbows and looked down my frame. I felt weak and small, I did not want the Cook to see me. I sat up, and looked around, from the floor, everything looked so big, and intimidating. I sat up, sitting on my tail, pushing myself up with weak and thin arms.

Suddenly I heard the clack of shoes and the creak of the door opening. I had no sexond thoughts about sliding under the table and hiding.
"Stupid Marino, where did he go?" A voice fumed. 'Shit! It's the Cook!' I hissed inside my mind. I heard the clang of pots and the swoosh of gas churning and fired igniting. I shuffled. 'Might asleell get conmfortable. I'm gonna be here a while.

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