Chapter 8

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Headaches, dizziness, and confusion are what a typical hangover usual is but for me it had quite a different effect. I felt almost vibrant and energized, unlike Keegan who never even bother to come back to the apartment last night. I bet his "friends" was just a code word for strippers, I mean isn't that why so many guys leave to hang out with "friends" that's what Nathan would say before leaving for the night.

But it wasn't my business anyway, he wants to have the dirty time he can go get dirty time as long it isn't in this apartment. Which, I've cleaned spotless since this morning so now I can blissfully walk to school and face getting lectured from all my art teachers, and here all about it from Nancy. The rain hits the sidewalks, nearly making me regret not buying rain boots I no longer owned an umbrella since Nina basically owned it.

Immediately after entering class Nancy approaches me, and I know I'm in for the whirlwind of gossip. "Hey, Nancy." I sigh before slumping down into my seat, preparing to hear all that went down the other night, even though I was already there.

"Oh my god Joey, I heard what happened!" She grasps my arms, "It's practically what the whole school is talking about."

I just nod my head and holding back the tears that were welling up, "You know I'd rather not talk to you right now Nancy." I growl before proceeding to put my earbuds in my ear and play OneRepublic, she begins to cry and I couldn't care less about it.

I continue drawing my picture of my mother, and drowning out the rest of class even ignoring Mrs. Stang and she was teaching the classroom on shadowing technique. I missed Mom more than ever right now, she would be pulling me out of school just to make sure I was in the right mindset to even be living with a boy. What does everything seem to come down to her, would I be somewhere else? If she didn't have to die the way she did, and how I know I am the one to blame for it.

The bell rings signaling everyone to go for lunch, but it's just my luck that I have to go to Nina's work and fill my requirement for being nice to Mr. Dick Head Keegan Murray for reasons I'm still trying to comprehend, I wait till everyone leaves before collecting my stuff and heading to the newsroom.

"Miss. Kendall." I turn around and see Mrs. Stang walking toward me. Great, here comes the rant about me missing class yesterday, just shoot me in the arm already god.

"Hi Mrs. Stang, I have to go very important meeting." I declare, slowly removing myself from the classroom and into the hall.

She halts me by grabbing my arm, " You know if you ever need someone to talk to let me know." She shows me her smile before releasing me back into the jagged and empty hallway.

I pass the gym and notice that Keegan was sitting on the bench dribbling the ball with his left hand, he looked lonely. I would be nice and go in and talk but I can't mess up and the newsroom either.

When I join the newsroom, it was bustling like per usual and it terrified me. I didn't have Nina to push me through it, and come to think of it I haven't really seen her at all, since the other night which I think is a good thing but at the same time why would I decided to come back, Nina's career wasn't my problem anymore. But I still know I let down the newspaper and it wasn't fair for me to do so.

I reached the entrance to Miss. Reia's office, knocking on the door and peaking in failing to see that she wasn't even in there and that I looked like a second class idiot.

"Hi, you must be Josephine Kendall," A disembodied voice comes from behind me, a tall slim shoulder man with the purest of blue eyes, his eyebrows framed his eyes so nicely and his hair jet black.

"I'm Shawn, I'll be supervising you and well directing you most of the time. I'm in charge while in absence of Miss. Reia." He mentions while fiddling with his thumbs, he looked so nervous and hot. Let's not forget hot.

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