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❤1,903,233 Me gustaJustinBieber What's going on in that beautiful mind?😻Ver traducción

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❤1,903,233 Me gusta
JustinBieber What's going on in that beautiful mind?😻
Ver traducción... ¿Qué está pasando en ésa hermosa mente?😻


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JustBiebs I'm on your magical mistery ride🎵

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KylieJenner My head's under water but I'm breathing fine💧

MileyCyrus You're crazy and I'm out of my mind🙇

AlfredoFlores 'Cause aaaaaallll of me, loves aaaaalllll of youuu😻

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ArianaGrande All your perfect imperfections💖

MadisonBeer Give your aaaaalll to meee, I'll give my all to youu😭

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