I'm walking barefoot through the memories,
With the fallen leaves,
I'm letting go of the people I haven't been able to forget.I'm walking barefoot through the memories,
To the red-stained sky,
I'm raising up the people I haven't been able to be with.Time passes like water flows,
I'm building a dam called memories,
There are memories that I couldn't hold onto,
It's the reason why I look beyond the horizon again today.I'm walking barefoot through the memories,
The coloured leaves that embrace me,
I'm giving my all as I softly lean on them.I'm walking barefoot through the memories,
With the fully ripe scent of autumn,
I hold onto my hungry heart and fall fast asleep.The flowers and trees of my heart are withering,
The memories are buries to deep,
I can't take them out,
It is beautiful that they are asleep in that place,
Just the way they are,
It's sad.I'm walking barefoot through the memories,
In the yellow ginkgo tree,
I call out to the old memories that are hiding.I'm walking barefoot through the memories,
With the blowing wind,
I hold tight to the eyes that are closed in my heart.-Translation of the song 'Time And Fallen Leaves' by Akdong Musicians.
Kata-Kata Deep
DiversosHimpunan kata-kata deep yang sememangnya sentap dan mohon terasa. Ada dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris. Highest peak : #8 in Random