Chapter 4 (SOUL IMPORT)

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Far from the bascillicom, two people speed their way through the open valley, heading to the VITA HILLS... with wind carrying ones feet, and the other leaving a blurry haze with sparks going off his back...

Neptune: "YEAH! Come on slow poke Catch up!"

Neptunio: "I'm not slow..."

They both ran with intense speed jumping over terrain, climbing over obstacles. The two sped up more, until they reached VITA hills

Neptune's POV

Neptune: "Hyuto~!!" Alrigth now for the return run!

Neptunio: "Hiya.."

Oh! Already caught up huh! Alright I ain't gonna let up!

Neptune: "Ahahaha Come on! Faster! Faster!"

Neptunio: "I'm gonna catch up, don't you worry.."

Wow! This is getting really intense, and he's really catching up, time hit the boost if I wanna keep my lead!

Neptunio: "Here we go, ya ready?"

Neptune: "You bet I am."

Up ahead is a loop that boosts the speed of any object that goes through it, it's only used for vehicles though, but hey, a need for speed is a need speed and in this race... SPEED IS KEY!!!

Neptune: "Hah! Hah! Ha! Here goes nothing!"

Neptunio: "up we go..."

Neptune: "YAAAAHOOOOOOOO~~~~!"

The feeling of being pulled into the loop erupts like a fire and we travel a distance in a speed of light! This is dangerous though, watch your step or you'll end up falling and falling in this speed won't be joke... But YEAH! I only go so fast whenever I do Neptune Break, this is a whole new experience in itself.

Neptunio: "Are you having fun...?"

Neptune: "Me!? Of course I am! How fast are we going anyway?

Neptunio: "I don't know, but we just covered half the distance, up ahead is a giant ravine, don't fall in now."

Neptune: "Aww don't worry, I can take care of that no-"

Just when I was about finish, I notice that I wasn't on solid ground anymore...uhh? Jinxed?

Neptune: "Whoah~~~~~!!!!!!!!"

Neptunio: "Neptune!"

Neptune: "Not AGAIN! I'm falling!!!"

Well this is just great, falling right after I said I could do it, this is beyond embarrassing!

Neptunio: "Neptune! Take my hand!"

Neptune: "Huh?"

Is this for real? His running down the cavern walls!

Neptunio: "Come on!"

Neptune: "Right! Ughh!! Almost there—Gotcha!"

In an effort to stop he dug his hand into the wall, and slowly, we stop sliding down.

Neptunio: "Whew... That was a close one..."

Neptune: "Ahaha...sorry... I messed up big time huh?

Neptunio: "Don't worry about it, what matters is your safe."

Neptune: "That's really cheesy of you Nio..."

Neptunio: "Yeah... I guess, can ya climb?"

Neptune: "More than that I can jump."

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