Cheater Levi x Pot Head reader

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Okay so in this one your a pot head like gamzee but when you finally go sober you will see just continue reading...

*Your pov*

You were smoking as usual. Levi didn't know because he was cheating on you with Petra. Your too high on weed as your mind lost it. But you found out when you smoke to much and walked in on them doing it.

~Le flash back~

You were so high you couldn't even process anything. As you thought Levi wasn't home so you probably gonna make your way to his office and surprise him. Yes he didn't know you were a pot head yet. But you were so high you thought you heard moaning and a female saying " I love you, please let me carry your child" You stopped and of course you walked in and saw everything you were so high all you can feel is happiness you said to them " my bad I forgot to knock but there was no doorbell goodbye Levi" of course Levi dismissed you as he thought you were just being a idiot. He lost his love you because of Petra she some how got him to fuck her.

~ end of flash back~

*Your pov*

You were now sober remembering had happen that night as you begin to sob and cry but you begin to choke over your sobs. As you then walked to Levi and knocked on his door again you heard the moaning but it was louder this time. You then opened it in shock and pain you knew it wasnt the drugs fucking with you. Levi then said " This isn't what it l-looks like (y/n)" he said sadden and trying to lie. As Petra that whore got up smirking at you as she puts on Levi's blouse. She loved Levi and wanted him badly and she got what she did as you watched him get dressed only putting on pants as you backed up growling in anger as tears forced it's way down your face. As you try to hold back a sob. You then yelled at Petra and Levi " OH THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING BEHIND MY BACK WHEN IM HIGH?!!" You yelled tears steaming down as you then stomped your way to the bedroom you and Levi shared as you grabbed all his shit and threw it out the door as you seen Petra smirking knowing she won. You were so full of rage you let it take over you as you then grabbed Levi by the ear and dragged him out as he layed there not able to move in shock. As you then slapped petra so hard she standed there in shock as tears had made it towards her eyes as she begin to cry as you jerked  her by the collar and dragged her down the stairs and threw her out as she landed on her face as you say " DONT YOU DARE COME BACK EVER!!" As the neighbors watch as they looked sadden and 2 female neighbors comfort you as the rest boo at your cheater and petra to leave. As you told them to leave as you go in and slam your door as you then lock it as you mess up Levi's office. As you sat in the corner crying holding your head. You then go and grab your stash and smoke some up as you feel the pain and sadness disappear.

Phew... that's alot there will be a part 2 though soon

589 Words that's a lot

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