Night of the Meteor

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Hey! This is my third fanfic! This story was based on a Vocaloid Music. It's really nice and beautiful. I'm imagine that the turtles, April and Casey, not only lost their home, but their love ones and dream about them.This is between after Season 3 and before season 4. I hope you enjoy!!

P.S. It contains fluff and brotherly love.


After what happened and witness the horrifying the destruction of their home planet and been saved by the fugitoid. They we're really down right now. Leo is staring at the window, Raph is looking down, Donnie is cheering Mikey, Mikey is crying a bit, and Casey is cheering April. The fugitoid is working to his machine. Then, Leo came to the Fugitoid.

Leo: Ummm.... Excuse me....

Fugitoid:Ah! Leonardo was it? What is it?

Leo: I think my brothers, April,Casey, and I, need some explanation tomorrow.

Fugitoid: Ah, I understand Leonardo, because the looks of it, all of you we're pretty tired and confused. I'll promise all of you to have some explanation tomorrow.

Leo knew the fugitoid tried to cheer him up a bit.


Fugitoid: Yes, You're welcome.

Leo tells them they need some rest right now and tomorrow the fugitoid will tell them everything.

Leo: Alright guys,  how about we have to get some rest before we get started.

April: Perhaps you're right Leo. I'm kind do feeling a bit tired. C'mon Casey.

Casey: On it , April.


Donnie: C'mon Mikey, let's get some sleep, shall we?

Mikey:*sniff* Ok....

The six of them went to the lodge while Mikey is muttering while no one could hear him.

Mikey:Ice cream Kitty..... Leatherhead..... Daddy....... Why is it happening to us........


At the lodge,everyone is sleeping except for Leo is trying to sleep but can't, because after the incident. Then a voice came to Leo.

???: Psst! Leo?


The voice is coming from Mikey.

Leo: Oh, It's you , Mikey. Can't sleep?

Mikey:Yeah.... *sniff*

Mikey cry a bit and made everyone hear his sniff.

April: Mikey, are you okay?

Casey: Yeah dude. You've been crying since that Splin-

Donnie shuts Casey with his glare.

Donnie:*glare* Casey, now's not the time.

Casey: Sorry...

Raph tried to make Mikey feel better.

Raph: Mikey, I know it's hard what we saw but, we can't do anything about it. Our home is destroyed, and.... we lost our father.

And which matter things worst, Mikey is stared to cry.

Mikey: *Crying* *Sobs* Why?! Why Splinter?! Why our homes been destroyed?! I wish this is a bad dream! I want to pretend this is dream! I ..... *sobs*

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