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"Ten why the fuck are you still with me? If I'm such a stupid bitch that you like to beat, why?" I yelled at my girlfriend.


   Yeah, my girlfriend, I'm bisexual. Mostly I lean towards guys, but Christina, Chris, caught my eye. There were some pretty bad things though, so it was bad she had caught my eye. Life wasn't so simple with her.

   "That's the reason I'm still with you. I like seeing you in pain. It makes my pain less. Okay, bitch?" She said, making her way over to me.


   I fidgeted with the hem off my shirt sleeve and shrunk back. I hated feeling vulnerable. That's all I was to Chris, a play toy. Once she was done being nice to me all day, at night she'dbeat me, then leave to find her ex-boyfriend or some slut. Nothing ever went right. Every day I think she'll change, she never does. I don't know why I stick around. I'm such a dumb slut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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