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the god of the vast seas to the roman deities that inhabit the pantheon.

you hold the prominence of being the furthest wandering star from our sol, after the humans relegated the judge of the dead, pluto, to the underworld. you wrap yourself in nebulous alabaster clouds which laced your whole body in a form of a toga. your teal stained derma was befitting for your jurisdiction over the devastating beauty of the great seas and ocean.

your innate heat source that radiates twice as much energy than the star in the centre of the milky way and your neptunial weather of extremely violent hurricanes that roared across your marred skin were a reflection of your furious rage. you shared the same aerospace as your fellow hoar frosted goliaths; hydrogen that builds your aqua kingdom beneath the sky horizon, helium that fuels your shell chariot in your circumgyration through the universe and methane that sparks your inner volatility.

oh, how your status was bolstered by the other planets.

when maturity knocked at the gates of the Kuiper belt, hammered with icy rings and bolted with primitive objects, you helped your kin jupiter in his expeditions against destroying your father, for which he, on attaining the throne of supreme power in our star cluster, assigned you the seven seas and the islands as your cosmic empire.

your exposed right arm held your legendary weapon of the trident, crafted with the chondrules that the nomadic asteroids sacrificed to your stellar glory. however you had a playful side that you hid behind your hydrogen walls, as you created the magnificent octopus and the blowfish in the sea form constellations above, that fell from heaven into the depths below for as a gifts for the water nymphs and awarded a place in the heavens for the delphinus constellation for persuading your bride - to - be salacia to share your globular clustered throne.

oh, but how your imperious and tempestuous nature of the ocean waters got the better of you.

you weren't like your fellow planet counterpart mars; who was as moody and unpredictable as the dust storms that threatened to shred his war stained skin, but you never declined a challenge that involved the assault of meteor showers. you were banished from the god heavens to the waters where the roman's fleet of ships periled against this liquid empire when you attempted to overthrow jupiter from his place in the milky way hierarchy as you dared to avenge your father's demise to the terra firma below.

and when realisation dawned upon us like how the sun kisses the horizon good morning at daybreak, we realised the roman commanders bask in your marine capabilities and are awed by how the waves churn a path for your seashell chariot drawn by mythical creatures by the name of hippocamps, seahorse crafted by the supernovas above the humans heads. they sacrificed the cretan bull during neptunalia at Circus Flaminius; the roman racetrack where your creation of horses ran rapidly with their nova etched into their equine ancestral and the Basilica Neptuni built in honour of the quasar naval victory of Actium.

you received much patronage from seafarers, that the banishment didn't matter, did it? it was all rewarding in the end [or was it?]

so oh neptune oh neptune, eighth planet in our nebula, does all of this define who you really are?

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