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"are you getting any of this? because i'm so not," he whispered in her ear.

"if you don't even understand sheet music, how are you even going to do anything?" she shot back.

*a year ago*

"moooom. let me go to SOPA! i swear i'm not going to get distracted and just focus on music. you have my word," sinb desperately begged her mom once again one afternoon.

her mom just sighed and stayed quiet for a while before glancing at her and saying, "you promise?"

sinb's whole face lit up and she attacked her mom with a bear hug.

"thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"now that you got your wish, you're going to shut up about it right?"

she nodded fervently.

*back to present*

"look just help me out with this one. then i'll figure it out on my own."

sinb sighed. as she bent to the side to check his work she muttered, "i hope you know i'm only doing this because you're my partner and i don't want to get a bad grade."

jeonghan just grinned sheepishly. but before he could eke out a "thank you", a voice rang across the lecture hall.


sinb's and jeonghan's heads looked up in fear. one thought ran through their heads.

"oh crap."


"i've never had detention before," sinb sulkily mumbled as her hands were up high and she was on her knees. jeonghan was beside her doing the exact same thing, although his face didn't seem to show any regret on causing this mess.

"i'm sorry okay? but i really was clueless back there. but it was just that one line, i swear."


sinb silently sighed. how could she be friends with him if he was going to continue giving her detention?

she didn't like that. at all.


sinb's sulky mood carried on to lunchtime.

yerin nudged her. "sinb! are you okay? you're only in this mood whenever something is pissing you off," she said, eyeing her.

"remember the boy i told you about yesterday, jeonghan?"

"yeah, what about him? he seems nice."

"nice, my ass," she rolled her eyes. "he got me into detention for something that he did. it was the worst thing ever. you know how i've never gotten punished for anything." yerin nodded at that. sinb always did all her work, submitted everything on time, and never skipped class. sinb getting detention is like snow in california. it never happens and will never happen.

sinb continued. "and the worst part is, he didn't even mean his apology. just a casual sorry and then out the door? what was that," sinb snarled, getting more and more agitated.

okay, maybe he did mean his apology, but with the story she was going with right now, it was much better to write him like this, sinb thought.

"he probably did mean well, though," sowon suddenly quipped up. both girls hadn't even notice the rest of the crew had arrived at the lunch table. umji and eunha was once again busy with a bunch of papers she was checking, and yuju was nursing a cup of hot lemon tea for her vocals. yuju was the best female singer in the music department, and was always picked by the professors for singing competitions, and she never failed them.

"how long have you listened to my rant?" sinb asked, completely bewildered that she could actually ignore someone's presence like that. she had never done that before.

"basically from the start. he does sound a jerk, but i have a feeling you're exaggerating the story," yuju said, squinting her eyes at sinb.

"nope," sinb said. "zero exaggerating. he is what he is," she finished off.

then, a small crowd had erupted from the other side of the cafeteria.

"it's them! it's them!"
"omo they're so cute!"

sinb looked around to see what was all the commotion about. when she couldn't see anything, she decided to come over to the crowd. the girls trailed behind her, they too curious about what was going on.

sinb peered around and couldn't believe what she saw.

back again in a trance, sinb turned around on her heels and glumly walked back to the table.

jeonghan was in a band. particularly, the school band. the school band that had gone on to national music competitions and gained crazy recognition. that band was SOPA's pride.

but more importantly, he knew how to read sheet music. he could dance. he could sing. he knew everything.

so what was all that fuss about? was he just messing with her?


so i guess the story is kinda getting lost, but don't worry, all things will be cleared up by the next few chapters!

also, just to make it clear, i'm making the girls the same age just to make it easier, and let's just pretend that SEVENTEEN also went to SOPA and is the school band, okay? okay.

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