Admit It

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Admit It

Chapter 12


(Garrett's POV~)

I hated talking. I hated people. I hated life. I hated everything. I mean I had reasons to. Most my life I was betrayed, lied to and I gave up in believing in people because of it. I had a dark past and I didn't want to bring it back up so I isolated myself for protection. But when my sister told me what happened... I snapped. But not because I was super protective but because it brought back unwanted memories.


I sat in the chair next to my sister's bed in the hospital. I stared at her lifeless figure feeling completely drained at trying to think of what had caused her to do this? What was SO bad that she felt this was the only way? I took her hand in mine gently feeling the tears in my eyes threaten to fall.

"G-Gare?" My sister mumbles as she wakes up. "W-where am I?"

"Hospital." I say bluntly.

"Ohh..." She muttered looking out the window.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked causing her to flinch and look at me.

"I-I don't know." She looked away from me indicating she was lying.

"No. Tell me the truth." I demand knowing she was weak towards my demands.

"I-I can't... I just..." She tried to say but failed as she started crying. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry! I tried to stop him... but he-he forced me to-"

"Who's he? What'd he force you to do?" I asked feeling myself trembling at the thought of her saying what I think she was going to say.

"C-Chris... he forced me to... to have se-sex with him. I kept saying n-no but he-he forced... I'm so sorry!" She cried as my body went cold.

Memories from my past came flooding back to me. When my father came home drunk and started beating me then eventually molested me. I of course knew nothing about what was happening, I just assumed I had done something and then one day my dad went ballistic and started shouting nasty things at me as he...i-into me and punched me repeatedly until I was close to death but my mom walked in and that's when everything went black. I had screamed so much that night that my voice was gone for 2 months and was too traumatized to want to talk even when I could, my mom moved with both me and my sister where I met Carlos and Seth. As for my father, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

"Tell me what happened." I said calmly.

"I h-had gone out with s-some friends to a-a party and had a few drinks. I started g-getting dizzy and felt sick...when C-Chris offered to help me to t-the bathroom." I saw more tears pour out of her eyes as she struggled to say what was next. "After that he helped me to a b-bedroom where he started t-touch...touching me. At first I l-let him but then he started doing m-more so I told h-him to s-stop. He just kept going. Please, don't make me say anymore, I can't!"

I lifted my hand and whipped her eyes as I leaned in and hugged her. At first she was shocked by my actions but hugged back and cried into my shoulder.


After that I just snapped and pounced on Chris' face until I saw blood and Seth stepped in to stop it. I had never fought before but I knew what I was doing. I had calmed down a bit after talking with Alec but my temper still lingered as I sat down in the library. I always found comfort in a good book. I was a sap for fantasy and mystery stories. It really gave off an out of this world sort of feeling. I liked the way they described the scenery in the fantasy and being left in suspense until the end of a mystery novel. Most people are surprised by my genre choice but that's because those people are usually the stereotypical assholes.

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