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The ride wasn't exactly for Tanner.

Reagan had called over the Bluetooth in the car and was complaining about some new restaurant they simply had to go to. Griffin was trying to show he had a pair for his friend and was being a stubborn son of a bitch about it. The weres in the trunk were snarling and snapping at each other and Luca's little feet kept hitting the back of his seat. The cacophony of noise and annoying feeling of the tiny kicks were quickly overwhelming the old vampire. "Just take him to the fucking restaurant! I'll call the brothers myself and get you VIP seats. Just shut up!" He finally cried.

The whining vampire fell quiet over the phone, scorned, why Griffin scowled and gripped the steering wheel tightly. He hated being talked down to. "Well," Reagan sniffed. "Thank you I guess. I'll get out something for you to wear Griffin."

He hung up and Griffin glared st him. "He needs to understand that no means no."

"You were going to say yes and you know it," Tanner shot back. "Luca honey, please stop kicking Daddy's seat."

"Luca bored." He huffed. "At Daddy's home yet?"

"Not quite darling. We have some shopping to do. But first we need to get Daddy's car."

"This not Daddy's car?" Luca asked, puzzled.

"Nope," Griffin contributed, breaking his heated silence. "This is mine."

"Not mine," Luca replied. "Gotta share. Sharing is caring."

He smiled proudly and Tanner knew those were words he'd picked up from somewhere else. Still, he was proud of Luca for remembering. "That's right sweetheart," Tanner agreed.

From back there was the sound of teeth striking metal and Luca whimpered. Tanner swung his head around, posed and prepared to the protect the little one. But Luca was just peering in back. "Marco mad." Luca whispered with a gulp. "Going gr to bear!"

"Just ignore them darling," but Tanner regretted buying it. Luca's precious Marco was a danger to him. "Do you like music?"

"Luca not know music?" He cocked is head to the side.

Tanner hit a button on the radio and the low voice of a popular pop artist filled the car. Tanner watched the curiousity turn to subtle surprise and then excitement. "Luca like! Daddy make louder!"

"Please," Tanner reminded him. He didn't need a rude baby boy.

"Pwease," Luca replied pleasantly.

Tanner turned the knob and Luca began to kick his feet gleefully again. Despite he fact he was kicking Tanner's back, it was too precious to get upset. Finally Griffin pulled up next to Tanner's gray Beamer. Griffin looked over at him with a somewhat tight smile--his annoyance with his friend hadn't quite ceased. "Thanks," Tanner said shortly.

"I suppose I should be thanking you," replied Griffin, gesturing casually to the back.

Tanner knew that it wasn't true--the were would be a handful, a nuisance. Griffin was going to wish had rejected his friend's gift. But for now, Tanner smiled and popped the door open. He unbuckled Luca who paused his kicking so smile sweetly at his Daddy. "That Daddy's car?"

The garage was half full. The firm ran at half-staff on weekends. There was a security guard with a werecougar leashed and collared according to the law, who nodded respectfully at Tanner. "Good afternoon," he greeted.

"Hello," Tanner replied.

Luca squealed gleefully at the working were who turned its head in his direction and flicked his ears as some sort of communication. "Why he be wearing that?" Luca asked with a frown.

"Wearing what?" Tanner looked the were in confusion.

"The thingy on neck!"

Tanner looked at the smooth, bare, pale skin of his neck and realized Luca hadn't been collared yet. He immediately felt terribly for the boy as all the rules and regulations for weres ran through his head. "It's a collar sweetheart. You'll get one too."

"Luca not want one!" He proclaimed. "Luca not need it. Daddy gets one!"

"Daddys don't wear collars--only Luca's do!" Tanner tried to be as light and playful about the topic as possible. Perhaps Luca wouldn't be so resistant.

"Luca not need one," Luca decided. "Go to Daddy's house now?"

"We have some stops first cupcake." He smiled and nod goodbye to Griffin who backed out as Tanner buckled Luca into the backseat.

"Daddy but Luca toys?" The were whispered excitedly.

"Of course!" Tanner was actually very excited to splurge his money on him. Perhaps showering him in presents would ease Luca into his collar, muzzle, and leash? "Ready?"


The first stop was clothing. The items Luca was wearing were far too large and frankly, while endearing, looked ridiculous. Tanner marveled at how he fit into the front carriage of the cart and walked to the boys section where he looked for sales associate to help size him.

While he flagged her down, Luca stared around in amazement. It was vastly different from the Pet Shop and while it was intimidating, it was also exhilarating to be exposed to all the newness. "I'd say he's a 4 or 5. Maybe a 6 if you want something he can grow into."

But Luca wouldn't ever grow much. Maybe a few inches but he was destined to be Daddy's little boy forever. Tanner was ecstatic about it. "Thank you." Tanner began to look through the sales rack, noticing Luca's lack of interest.

"How about this?" Tanner showed him a long-sleeved blue plaid shirt. "What do you think?"

"Luca not know." His little face was as excited as before and it broke Tanner's heart.

"What colors do you like?" Tanner asked, trying to engage Luca again.

Luca's face broke out into a grin.

"Luca like pink!"

QOTC: how do you guys feel about fem!Luca?

Goal: 10 comments for next update ☺️

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