Forty - Two

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The next morning everything was sluggish.

Tanner was thoroughly drained after a seemingly endless sex episode while Sven was feeling the strain of what he'd put his body through. And Luca just felt tired in general. Regardless of these facts Sven made breakfast while Tanner got Luca's face washed, teeth brushed, and dressed.

He wasn't as talkative as usual but Tanner didn't notice. He couldn't stop thinking about what Sven had suggested--did he love Sven or just hate the idea of him being with someone else? And sure they argued but everyone does. It was natural...right?

"Daddy 'm throat hurts."

"It does?" Tanner laid his hand on Luca's cheeks. "You're not warm. Maybe you just need some yummies in your tummy?"

Luca nodded unhappily and ate the food Sven gave him. Sven sat down heavily rubbing his arms. He felt...chilled but in a strange way as they couldn't experience temperature changes. "You're looking a little pale." Tanner commented.

The Prince's skin was washed out more than what was expected. "I know and I ache." Sven got up with a grim expression. "I need a drink."

"That's the last thing you need." Tanner countered. "Take a day and relax. Luca isn't feeling good either."

The little were hoped for day full of cuddles from Sven and Daddy but he worried he wouldn't have the energy. He was feeling lethargic.

"You don't think blood will power me through this?"

"Remember drinking when you were human? Like alcohol? Would you cure a hang over with more booze? No." Tanner checked the time. "Take it easy today."

Sven nodded along tiredly. The staff would be there in a few short hours and they required Sven's close eye. They were more than eager to slack off and do half-asses jobs. It was his duty to make sure Tanner's home was immaculate. Although, it was his home now wasn't it?

It had been so long since he last to his room. He missed it. He missed having his own bed, the space, the silence, no Tanner. He felt a bit sick just thinking that his words had held truth but they hadn't, hadn't they? Despite Tanner swearing this would be different they weren't. He was still jealous, possessive and all around miserable. "Not hungry?"

The little werewolf shook his head mutely.

"How about we put you back to bed and let you rest up?"

He expected him to refuse outright but Luca nodded along mutely and got to his feet. Sven escorted his upstairs, Luca's little hand in his own. Sven turned on the TV and left Luca to rest.


For Tanner his morning dragged.

He was distracted by what happened yesterday--not the death of course--but he couldn't figure out if what Sven had said was true. Things were supposed to be different. They had agreed on that!

Had Tanner really changed though? He had tucked the whole situation away as a win and figured that as long as he let Sven put a label on it he was doing his part. But maybe it would take more than that. It had been so long of this casual agreement the two had, Tanner was suddenly struggling to understand what was typically okay and what wasn't.

Time had changed of course. He didn't own his partner, he had free will. But free will to do what? Were secrets allowed, or rather, expected in this day and age? And trust--did it need to be earned or lost? Tanner was just grateful Sven didn't have a mobile phone...that would be a true nightmare.

"You haven't harassed me in two days." As expected Griffin had the Beast with him. It stared down Tanner with a cold distrust despite the fact he had bought the creature. "Is everything okay?"

"Could you tell Reagan was slipping away?"

He didn't want to ask, not after knowing how sensitive the topic was, but he had to know. Sure enough Griffin's eyes hardened before they softened in realization. "I think so. I blinded myself to it though, ignoring the signs. Like making the relationship open--is Sven doing that?"

"No. He had a fresh kill yesterday."

"Really? Where?"

"We went to a Farm. She was young--nine years I believe."

"Is he taking it poorly?" It was stupid question. Of course he would be.

"He doesn't know. As far as he know she lived." Why was he doing this? Telling someone would ultimately betray him?

"I remember Reagan's first child kill--he was torn up about it for weeks." Griffin shrugged his shoulder. "I can't remember mine though."

Could Tanner? He scanned his memories but found himself shrugging. Honestly it wasn't worth the trouble of recollecting. "Me neither. Anyway, how's Cayden?"

Griffin sneered. "Annoying as ever. Sven? Besides the kill?"

Tanner didn't know what to say. He didn't want to admit what Sven had said in the car but at the same time he was worried that his power of Sven was dwindling over time. He couldn't keep swaying his emotions to love him. Could he?

"We're doing alright. Luca's sick."

"Really? That's too bad. Marco's not doing so hot either. He's not eating."

Tanner rose his brow. "Have you called a vet?"

"Yeah. There's nothing physically wrong with him. I'm not too sure what his problem is."

Tanner hummed. "He's done this before right?"

"Yes but never like this. He's lost half of his weight and his fur is thinning... I can't help him if there's nothing wrong with him though."

"Perhaps he's lonely."

Griffin rolled his eyes. "Weres are solitary creatures."

"No weres lived in packs. Only some chose to live alone. Maybe you should rehome him?"

"No one is going to want a half starved were Tanner. The vet suggested putting him down. I'm thinking about it."

Tanner nodded his head. "Up to you."

QOTC: thoughts? Kind of a filler chapter but I hope it gave you some insight of why Sven had taken back what he said

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