Part 5- Bitch try me

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Kylie POV-

"Guys calm the fuck down" Rob shouted everyone pulled apart. The teachers thank him and everyone listen to them. "You guys are being adults some of you are already behave like adults and not middle schoolers" our history teacher told us.

Of course he got some remarks whispered at him. "Shut the fuck up and respect your elders we are here to have fun that's what we are going to do. If you want to fight I think you should of stay your childish asses back in America" Rob shouted again this time everyone behave and told our history teacher "sorry".

"Was the curse words necessary" I ask Rob and he smiled.
"I think we should listen to what the teachers say and behave " I told the group.

"Of course you would miss student body head" lily say.

"Shut the fuck up" Rick say to lily who was shock.

"If you decide to stay we will happily welcome you" the Italian sex God say.

We had 10 rooms in all of course boys and girls didn't sleep together. Boys had their room and so did the girls.

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