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Chapter 12
Mabel's view
I happily screamed in my head as I quickly ran over to the phone. "Henry come over NOW we're doing a makeover". "Um ok I'll be right over"Henry said not sure what to expect.
When Henry FINALLY got to my house I explained WHO was getting the makeover. "Well you'll need something SCARY so that when people summon you they get SUPER nervous" Henry said smiling. "You could be a sweater demon that forces everyone to wear sweaters!" I said excitedly."yah I think that would be to itchy" dipper said smirking. We all thought for a moment,suddenly dipper yelled "I got it!". His clothes morphed into a long black coat with a golden chain holding them together and with two wings coming out of his back. He also had long black pants,"and with a TOP hat to TOP it all off"he said smiling to his own pun"everyone will want to make deals when I'm dressed like this" he said smiling. I stood in a frozen position,"Mabel what's wrong"dipper said nervously."you look like him","like who?" Dipper said sweat starting to come across his forehead."like bill"

(To see the pick of dipper,it's the cover picture, I did draw it myself so please don't steal but if u do give me credit)

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