The eyes and question

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Chapter 4
The eyes & the question
Dippers pov
I woke up in my bedroom.
"Dipper" Mabel said standing over me while giving me a HUGE bear hug."we thought you were dead"she said squeezing me even tighter."well I will be if you don't let go soon"I said while trying to gasp for breaths."oops,sorry"she said giggling."wait"she said her smile slowly fading. "What is it?" I said worried. "your eyes..." She said pointing to my face. Quickly looked for a mirror and when finding one I grabbed it and held it up to my face. It was all black,no pupil,just for a single bright yellow strip down the center.

I didn't know what to say,I was frightened,surprised,scared and at the same time the boy in me wanted to say "cool!". Mabel saw me start to get distant,"it's ok bro-bro i don't mind. And I don't think anyone else will mind either,we're just happy that your alive" she said smiling. "Yah yah,your right"I said standing up smiling,but deep inside I could hear the question growing.."what am I?".

Trandesendent (gravity falls)completedWhere stories live. Discover now