Chapter Nine

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"Wake up," someone yelled before I felt pain in my stomach. "Open your eyes little angel."

"Get away from me," I growled glaring up at he person that punched me. "You good for nothing scumbag."

"Why?" He chuckled leaning into me, "I enjoy messing with my little angel."

"I'm not your little angel," I growled twisting the ropes that held my wrist together. "I never was."

"Oh but you are," he smirked. "I could always go mess with Rebecca."

"Stay away from her," I yelled angrily. "I swear if she is hurt I will make you disappear."

"Enough," an older man said. "Go get everything ready."

"Fine," Johnny growled storming out of the room.

"Your the Red Rose Killer," I said staring at the man. "You killed Jack's family."

"I remember that," he chuckled sitting down in the chair in front of me. "I watched Agent Mitchell break when he realized he couldn't save his wife and daughter and he'll break again when I kill you."

"Go to hell," I growled glaring at him. "They'll stop you, I know people that will help end you and Johnny."

"They can try," he laughed before dragging me from the chair I was in and throwing me in a room with a camera and someone else tied to a chair. "Let the fun begin."

After he left the room I hurried over to Becca and started shaking her shoulder waking her up.

"Becca, wake up."


"Damn it," I cursed slamming the laptop closed. "Twelve hours and we have nothing."

"Calm down," Luke said leaning back on the couch since we had decided to go back through the case and search for the girls at Angel's warehouse. "Getting angry won't help us find them any faster."

"BRICE!" someone yelled and I jumped up going for my gun when a bunch of people ran into the room.

"Thanks for coming," Brice said walking over to of them.

"Angel and Becca are family," someone said. "We'll get them back. Who are they though?"

"FBI's Jack Mitchell and Luke Davis," Brice said and I nodded relaxing some just as Pax ran up to oldest man.

"Good boy Pax," he said patting his head. "Where is Angel's evidence board?"

"Over there," Brice said walking back over to the kitchen while one went over to Angel's board and the other walked over to us.

"What do you have on the BRK and RRK?" He asked.

"BRK is that box and RRK is this one," Luke said pointing at the said boxes.

"Mitchell," I said distracted while I was sorting through Angel's files.

"Hello Jack, been a long time since we've spoken."

"No," I growled recognizing the voice. "Where are they?"

"Somewhere you won't find them," he laughed. "Turn on your video chat and you can see for yourself that they haven't been harmed...yet."

"Son of a bitch," I cursed running to the kitchen and turning Luke's laptop towards me and logging into my personal video call clicking on the new message. "Damn it."

"Jack, what's wrong?" Luke asked confused and I just turned the screen towards him, "Good god."

"Becca," Brice whispered collapsing in a chair.

"I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance," I growled slamming my hands down on the table. "Why did I realize he was apart of this?"

"I don't know man," Luke sighed picking up up his phone dialing someone. "Boss, it's Luke Davis... RRK is apart of this case...He has Angel and her cousin, Rebecca Michaels...Yeah, we'll keep you posted."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"We all of our resources at hand," Luke said. "Also your computer nerd is on his way."

"You have your help too," Carter said. "Becca and Angel are my wife's little sisters so I can get my team here to help. Just give me an hour and I can also have Bruiser on board on finding him."

Nodding I walked back over to the evidence board scanning for some kind of clue and hoping that I can save them in time.

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