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  "Morning Luke," I smiled bumping his shoulder while walking over to the coffee pot. "What are you doing here a early?"

  "I need to talk to you guys," he said and I nodded looking at the stairs as Jack hit the main floor and was rubbing his chest.

  "Jack is your chest hurting?"

  "Just sore from being poked at yesterday," he winced reaching to grab a cup out of the cabinet. "What are you doing here this early Luke?"

  "I had a meeting with boss earlier and I got some news you two might like," Luke said and I perked up. "The three of us got a transfer."

  "To where?" Jack asked walking up and placing his head on my shoulder. "And when do we leave?"

  "Mule Hollow, Texas," Luke said and I choked on my coffee.

  "Angel, you alright?"

  "I'm good," I gasped pushing my cup away and bracing my hands on the counter. "Just shocked that's where our transfer is."

  "Why?" Luke and Jack asked.

  "I grew up in Mule Hollow," I stated looking up at them. "My family still lives there. I know most of the people that live there."

  "Well that's a good thing, isn't it?" Luke asked and I chuckled.

  "You know my Uncle Eddie," I said and they both nodded. "He's the head agent at the bureau there. Therefore you'd be working with my family, since almost all of us has been in some sort of law inforcment."

  "Even you're grandfather?" Luke asked with a hint of fear.

  "No," I smiled. "He has an office in DC and still does a lot of field work so he's hardly ever at that office."

    "Cool," Luke nodded and I shook my head reaching for my ringing phone.

  "Savage," I said answering the call not looking at the caller ID.

  "Angel!" Mama's voice rang through the phone.

  "Mama, what's wrong?" I asked confused on why she sounded panicked and scared.

  "You need to come home," she said and I scrunched my nose up before dropping my phone after next words. "Gina's been kidnapped."

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