Chapter 1 - Unexpected Information

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Warning : A little scene in this chapter. ⚠️️😘

Seven's POV

Seven rested his head onto his desk, sighing a little. He had been sitting at his computer desk for hours with absolutely nothing to do. His mouth made a pout as he turned the computer back on, which showed the records of RFA.

He gasped with an idea and went straight into Yoosung's profile. After ten long minutes of waiting for it to load, he successfully loaded it up. He wanted to scream, but remembered Yoosung was on the couch, sleeping soundly.

He hacked into the RFA records and forced Yoosung's extremely private information to open up. He smirked and scrolled down a little until he found things he shouldn't have. As soon as he started looking, he immediately regretted it. He was flustered to see a lot of written things about himself and pictures that even he never knew Yoosung would have.

'Shit... I never knew Yoosung would do this!' He thought inside his mind.

'Him being...sexual?! And making me...' Seven stopped the thoughts in his head but he was already turned on. He blushed red, and put a hand on his face. "Why the hell am I thinking of him like this..." He whispered under his breath and moved his hand down his shirt.

Before he even knew where his hand was, it was already in his jeans. He started to rub his hand over his erection, softly letting out a groan. "What if he wakes up and sees me like this..?" He mumbled under his breath and shut down his computer.

As soon as he slipped his hand under his boxers to get a better feeling, he heard the yawning sound of Yoosung, who just woke up. "Seven..? Are you still working?" His voice had a soft but sleepy tone to it.

"Ahh...Your awake.." He bit his lip to keep himself from acting out. Yoosung stood up and stretched a little. He made his way over to Seven, who was blushing so dark, that even Yoosung knew Seven was hiding something. "Seven?" He asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm busy! Get away!" He barked and looked down.

Yoosung just smiled a little and moved his hand to Seven's right arm, which was still under his jeans. He blushed darker as he felt his breath hit the back of his neck. "I need to talk to you..." He pushed away his hand and tried to hide that he was pulling out his hand from his pants.

"Okay.. but why was your hand in your jeans?" Yoosung backed away. Seven turned his chair around, sitting cross-legged to hide his unwanted erection. "It's called, being turned on. Anyways...I accidentally hacked into your profile--"

"Wait you did what?!" Yoosung's eyes widened as he looked down. "So you saw..."

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