Chapter 16 - Love Me

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Yoosung's POV

Class ended a few hours later, and Yoosung rushed over to Seven's place. V and Saeran were gone and Seven was sitting in the front of his house, looking at the ground. When the red- head noticed that the blonde was running towards him, he stood up quickly, getting glomped with a hug by Yoosung.

Seven sighed and pulled away from him. "V said that he wasn't going to stop. He is still trying to take you away and I specifically asked him to stop but he wouldn't listen." Yoosung rolled his eyes. " need to stop thinking the worst." The blonde took the older ones hand and held it tightly.

Yoosung, who had no intention to make Seven emotional, did exactly that. "What if--he does take you away...!" Seven cried out, his voice going higher then usual. The blonde put both his hands on the red- heads face, making a firm grip. "Stop it. Alright? I don't like hearing you like this. It scares me." Yoosung whispered, and gently kissed his cheek.

The blonde pulled back, and noticed Seven's face. He was beaming a smile, but his cheeks were stained with tears.

"I'm so weak. I hate myself." He made a small chuckle, the tears still rushing down his face. Yoosung frowned and said, "Why are you crying?" Seven wiped his face with his sleeve and smiled again. "Because I'm afraid your going to leave me." He sniffed and looked away quickly.

The younger male wrapped his arms around Seven's neck and made a small grunt in the back of his throat. " this because of V?" Yoosung asked. Seven nodded and moved his arms around the males waist. "You know..Saeyoung. Even if he does take me away," That made Seven whimper. " I'll always be here." Yoosung pulled away and trailed his fingers over the red-heads heart.

Seven gripped Yoosung's hand and leaned his head onto his shoulder. "I know..." The older male nodded and quickly wiped away his forming tears.

"Will this make you feel better?" Yoosung made a small grin and kissed him hard. Seven raised an eyebrow, but quickly kissed him back. The blonde moved his hand down Seven's cheek, and felt the red-heads tongue force it's way into Yoosung's mouth. Seven heard the blonde's tiny whimper, which made him pull back and smirk.

He trailed his lips down Yoosung's neck, nipping at his skin. The younger male grunted. "Hah..Seven. Stop." He backed away and averted his eyes away. "What's wrong with you?" Seven's voice made a crack.

"It's nothing. But Seven? Did V tell you the party date yet?" Yoosung asked, looking back up at him. "It's tomorrow...I have something very special planned for me and you." The red- head looked up at the sky as the sun set in the horizon. "What is going to be special?" Yoosung tilted his head, a little bit confused. "Find out tomorrow. Lets go inside, it going to be dark soon."

When they got inside, Seven took the blonde's hand and proceeded to spin him around. "Saeyoung!" Yoosung laughed and put his fingers through Seven's hair. "After tomorrow, he won't be able to take you away." The red-head rubbed the younger males cheek, and brought him close to his chest. Yoosung was still confused but he didn't mind it.

It was at this time that Seven's phone started to buzz. He took it out, groaned, and answered. "What is it V?" Seven asked. His eyes widened, and Yoosung had no idea why. "I already said no--" Seven stopped and whimpered. His eyes filled up with tears again and looked away. " Your not taking him away!" The red-head yelled into his phone, throwing it down on the couch.

"Fuck you V! Your not fucking taking him away!" He screamed at the phone, forgetting about Yoosung and walked into his room, shutting the door.

Yoosung sighed and plopped himself down on the couch. "Seven..are you okay..?" Yoosung got up and knocked on the door. "Yoosung--I'm sorry! I'm scared alright! I'm afraid that if I even leave you alone for one second, you'll be gone and I'll never...see you again!" He let out a sob, and Yoosung opened the door.

Seven was on the ground, his head in his hands. Yoosung dropped next to him and wrapped his two arms around his body. "'s alright. I'll be okay."

Seven's POV

Seven felt his lovers hands rub against his back, trying to soothe him. "I'm sorry..yo-your seeing me this we-weak.." The red- head sighed, hiding his head into Yoosung's shoulder. "It's okay Seven. I'm here. You need to calm down." The blonde kissed his cheek and pulled away.

Seven grabbed Yoosung's arm and sniffled. "The party's tomorrow...are you excited for what I have planned?" Seven smiled through the tears. "Very excited." Yoosung combed his fingers through Seven's hair and made a pout. "What? What is it?" The red-head asked.

"Stop crying like that. I hate it when you cry. It saddens me." Yoosung got up. "I'll stay out here for the night. You, get some sleep." He sighed and opened his bedroom door.

"But I can't sleep here without you!" Seven yelped and averted his eyes away when Yoosung turned back with his eyes narrowed. "Seven, your going to have to deal with it. If something happens to me, you need to learn to be away from me. End of story." He closed the door, not meaning for it to slam.

Seven got up on his bed and lay back. He closed his eyes, feeling the burning sensation in his eyes come back.

I love him so much...I don't even know if he loves me anymore...


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