The Side of The Story You Never Saw (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)

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This idea came to me when I saw a picture that said “I don’t hate Draco. I felt I never knew enough of his story to hate him.” I feel the same and wanted to kind of make my own background to Draco Malfoy.

Disclaimer: Here to Announce the disclaimer is… Draco Malfoy himself!

Draco:Who Me?

Me: No the other Draco… Of course you ninny.

Draco: Okay. Kelly Erin Conkle does not own, nor will she ever own, Me or any of the other characters.

Me: Except copies of the books and a Slytherin shirt.

Draco: Oh Right, I need that back…

Me: You’re the one who left it after… On to the story!

 It all started when he was about 3. That was when he first heard the word. His father had been discussing his work and called Arthur Weasley a “mudblood lover”. That was the first time Draco learned of the prejudice.

            He never understood it. He knew that he was pureblood and his father had taught him all his life to look down on lesser beings. Lucius Malfoy had this mean streak that he tried so hard to instill in his son. It worked fairly well until the boy was about 15. In Draco’s 5th year at Hogwarts, he was paired with Hermione Granger for a potions assignment.

            He noticed through working with her that his Father was wrong. However by this point, Lucius had made many decisions for Draco’s future. He had already told He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named that Draco would be joining soon. So as soon as anything resembling a friendship between Draco and Hermione could begin, it had to die.

            Hermione began to hate him, something she’d never done before even after all the bad things he’s said and done. She didn’t understand that he had absolutely no choice. The Death Eaters were join or die, if your family was involved. He was attempting to protect his mother.

            He believed he once fell in love with her, and if his life had been different, maybe they’d be together sending a bushy haired blond with piercing brown eyes off to Hogwarts. He looks over at where her family is as he stands with Astoria and little Scorpius. Their eyes look as Ron turns to yell something to Harry.

            He can tell by her eyes that she misses him, and he tries to send the same to her. He nods at her. She nods back. The only time they’ve acknowledged each other since the final battle. and Draco knows he still loves her.

            He can’t disappoint his family though. He could never have married her. In his father’s eyes, she was the worst form of human. Draco has a flash of Hermione writhing in pain on the floor of Malfoy Manor while Bellatrix carved mudblood into her arm. He can remember it clear as day, because he felt like he was dying while watching.

            He wishes he could tell all of this to her but knows he never can. So he sends his son off to Hogwarts with this “Scorp, do your best. I also want you to do something for me. Do try and befriend anyone who may be different. oh and anyone with the last name Potter or Weasley. and whatever house you get into, we will be so proud my son. We love you.”

            He was not going to be like his father before him.

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