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where are you babe?
I'm in the bathroom lmao
shit sorry I'm so clingy it's cringey.
I would be too. I am. Actually.
if I gave you a rose would you let it die or let it go?
Where did this poetic chris come from? You'll make me fall for you faster with those words!!
Shawn Mendes is the best with words.


Christian sat on his bed waiting for Astrid to come back. He sat there thinking.
Thank the lord for Shawn Mendes, I mean I could come up with romantic words but then I'd have to sing it to her. It just makes the words better.
He's correct. Astrid knew he could sing. Who wouldn't? His voice is just magical and over all pleasing to hear. She would love to get serenaded or just hear him sing a silly song. but right now she had other plans in mind.
"BOO!!" she yelled as loud as her lungs would let her.
"SHIT! God! You almost made me hit you. Don't ever do that to me. I thought you were an intruder!!" He exclaimed, practically almost hitting her in the process.

He came to the realization of what could have happened and hugged her. That took Astrid by surprise. Yeah they've cuddled before, god they even held each other as if they were a couple. Yet this hug surprised her.

It wasn't the apologetic hug or the hug that you do when you see someone you haven't seen in so long. It was the warm,welcoming hug. The one where they would have grip like a koala and you could breathe there smell in and probably recognize it miles away. It was comforting. It was a hug they had only come across once. When they met.

Astrid snapped out of her daze and hugged him back just as hard. Not realizing someone had entered. They broke apart after what seems like hours but really was minutes when they heard someone clear their throat.

There standing by the door was one of Christians friends. wes. You'd imagine Chris would have introduced her to his friends, but he was so caught up with her that he didn't have time to introduce them to her.

"Astrid this is wes. One of my best friends."
"wes this is Astrid. the one I always seem to be talking about."
He said after seconds of silence.

Wes and Astrid looked a each other for a second before, Astrid made a daring move. She hugged him. She's a hugger type, she doesn't do handshakes only if it's professional. To say that it shocked wes would be an understatement. He was so shocked he didn't hug back and that made Astrid rethink her choice.
oh crap!! He's not hugging back. I mean how was I supposed to know he wasn't a hugger. I fucked up. I probably seem like a weirdo to him.

"Sorry. I didn't realize you weren't a hugger!" she said moving away from him,moving closer to Christian.
"No it's fine. I was just shocked. I didn't expect a hug. Though I should considering Christian says you hug him a lot." He said chuckling.
"hey! I'm not complaining. I could be hugging her and I'd be the happiest man alive." he says placing his hand on his chest. The comment made Astrid blush, her cheeks going a roses red.

From there on out they proceeded to talk. About anything really. Astrid brought up a movie called, The Fundamentals of Caring. After she explained what it was about. They were intrigued on the movie, so that's how they ended watching the movie. With Chris and Astrid cuddling under the blankets on the couch and Wes laying on the floor with what seemed like a mountain of blankets on top of him.
*movies is over*
Wes looks up to the couch, only to see Chris and Astrid knocked out. They were cuddling with the popcorn in between. He smiled and moved the popcorn out of the way.
Almost like two magnets they moved towards each other, as close as they could. It ended being very very close. With Christian holding her and Astrid facing him. Almost as if he was hiding her from the world.

And it's true. Christian wanted to keep the harm away from his world. Astrid. He's been happier than ever with Astrid around. He wished she could stay forever. But she couldn't. She would have to leave in 4 days. He knew she could only stay for for 2 weeks. It saddened him that she was gonna leave. They promised each other to keep in contact. And to face time everyday.

4 days became 3.
3 days became 2.
2 days became 1.
Soon the day would come to an end and she would have to leave. Christian wanted one last thing before she left. He wanted to make her, his.

He wanted her to be his
girlfriend. Not his Crush.


Authors note:
Hey guys!! It's been a good day so far. I wrote this on the second of December of 2016. I've written all the chapters to this book and I'm happy to say this is one of the last chapters ever. Yes they'll be extras. Not many,but there will be some. At first I wanted to write this book. I had 10 parts written already. I was ecstatic. After a while I kind of wanted to stop. So I did. Only because I had writers block. And because of school. Through the book I've probably missed roughly a month worth of school and that brought my grades down. So in the beginning I stopped writing and focused on school and brought some of my grades up. There are still a couple F's but there coming together. It's finals week in 2 weeks and I decided to write the whole book because I knew I would probably not finish it or most likely delete it. That kinda made me feel weird cause I was really into this book.


PS: There's still like 5 more chapters.

I'm out ✌🏼

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