The small hole the sat at the top of the tiny storage room let in an icy cold breeze, shivering i searched for a piece of cloth to cover the hole but the room was bare, in fact it was stripped from floor to ceiling, there was no proof that some one was/is in this room besides my body and a very dark red to black floor. The ground smelt highly of puke and iron, after the last lashing my aunt had come in and whipped at my back until previous scars and lashes broke open pouring blood every where, i can remember her tone as she said to me "standing up to me". my horror and confusion was endless, i knew i could never stand up to her, she was deviously cunning and i start to think when she whipped me last she was waiting for me to brake but i broke 6 years ago when i was brought to her door step.
I can get so lost in thought so easily, sometimes that i could stay there, as always something brought me back and at the moment its this damn breeze, out of sheer frustration i ripped at my already torn sleeve and shoved it in the hole, finally some peace. well besides the smell.
3 weeks ago i had thrown up after a horribly shitty disaster and now i was stuck in here till my Aunt thought that i can leave, and because i so easily slipped a thought from my head a week ago my room was peeled clean of any of my belongings, except for a rug to sleep with and a small lump of belongings i hid behind a brick in the wall, in those belongings was the only thing i have of my parents, a golden frame with two happy people in the frame, one was a tall man that had a very fancy uniform on and a women who's hair was so long it went passed her the frame (near her hips), these April thought are my parents. The pain and longing that April felt to see this couple was indescribable, nothing like she had ever felt, April knew that if they came back and got her she would no longer have to deal with hear aunt and her scars on her back might actually heal up and disappear, she could leave the house when ever her parents aloud it, not like a once a week thing but more like a yes you can go to your friends honey April couldn't bear to think about it any more so she pushed the though back into her head as far as it could go.
April now so tired she couldn't stand to save herself so she curled up in the corner with her rug and slowly dosed off to sleep as she though about food, oh the longing for food, she hadn't had any for 6 days, almost a week, and she didn't think she was going to get some any time soon. grrrrrr her stomach now totally fed up with it she had to pinch her stomach to make it shut up. Trailing into a world of safe existence she was asleep
"hahahaha, how pathetic is she, curling up in a corner"
"shes probably so pathetic a lady bug could scare her to death" the gigling was so high pitch that April knew exactly who had come to visit, it was her lovely and absolutely stunning step sisters, ell actually cousins but say step sisters sounded a better label, just like the bitches to Cinderella. "Good morning girls, i hope you having fun staring at this beautiful museum"
"Careful April Mummy may not be happy with your sarcasm, and you know we can tell on you when ever we want so be super kind to us"
"yehh treat us like royalty" Klare was always so out front but Kasey felt like she was in a shadow following Klare"' every command and she only ever agreed, she was like a robot gone haywire to follow hell's daughter. "can you guys just shut the door I'm freezing?" the sound in Aprils voice was calm and wish full,
"fine your boring anyway" said Klare with a pitch that very rarely came out, the door was shut and locked and as the girls walked away they were giggling and April knew they were talking about her, just as April thought they were gone Klare yelled out "oh and yeh dinner is infront of the door, please do enjoy" damn it, how the hell am i going to get to it.
i know it took me forever to update but... well.... yeh, hope you like it, i'll update again on 6 votes (the star in the corner ,yeh click that) ;)

Kept Under lock and Key
Romans~Aprils life is a mess, first she loses her parents, then she ends up with her aunt (who could easily be mistaken for a monster). Her aunt only ever lets her out of the house once a week, so at the age of 15 april already feels like she's never goin...